Compare 1577 edition: 1 Appeales forbidden.3 That no man should appeale to the said pope or archbishop, nor by their appointment hold any plée: and if any person were found dooing the contrarie herevnto, he should be taken and committed to pri|son.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That if any maner of person, either spirituall or temporall, were obedient to the sentence of the in|terdiction, the same person should be banished the realme without delaie, and all his linage with him, so as they should not conueie with them any of their goods, the which togither with their possessions should be seized into the kings hands.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 That all spirituall persons, which had any bene|fices within England, should haue warning giuen to returne into England within foure moneths af|ter the same summons pronounced, and that if they failed hereof, then should the king seize vpon their goods and possessions.