Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 That no man should bring any letters or com|mandement from pope Alexander, or Thomas arch|bishop of Canturburie into England, conteining an interdiction of the realme: vpon perill to be appre|hended and punished as a traitour to the king, and an enimie to the realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 That no religious person or préest should be permitted to passe the seas, or to come into the relme of England, except he had letters of safe conduct from the iusticers for passage ouer, and of the king for his returne from thence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Appeales forbidden.3 That no man should appeale to the said pope or archbishop, nor by their appointment hold any plée: and if any person were found dooing the contrarie herevnto, he should be taken and committed to pri|son.