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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The princes and péeres of the realme did also iudge him a periured person and a traitour. Among whome (manie then being present) the earle of Lei|cester accompanied with Reignald earle of Corne|wall, came vnto him and said;

The king comman|ded thée to come and render an accompt of that which is obiected against thée, or else heare thy iudgement. Iudgement? said the archbishop, [and therewith ri|sing vp said,] Naie sonne earle, first heare thou: It is not vnknowne to thée how faithfull I haue béene to the king, in consideration whereof he aduanced me to the archbishops see against my will (as God can be my iudge:) for I knew mine owne infirmitie, and I was contented to take it vpon me rather for his pleasure, than for Gods cause, and therfore dooth God both withdraw himselfe and the king from me. In the time of mine election he made me frée, and dis|charged me of all courtlie bondage. Wherefore as touching those things from which I am frée and de|liuered, I am not bound to answer, neither will I. So much as the soule is more worth than the bodie, so much the more art thou bound to obeie God and me, rather than any earthlie creature. Neither will law nor reason permit, that the sonnes should iudge or condemne the father: and therefore I refuse to stand to the iudgement either of the king, or of any other, and appeale to the pope, by whome (vnder God) I ought to be iudged, referring all that I haue vnto Gods protection and his, and vnder the defense of his authoritie I depart out of this place.
Hauing thus EEBO page image 72 spoken, went incontinent to fake horsse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now as he passed on his waie, the kings seruants and others of the court did cast out manie reproch|full words against him, calling him traitor and false forsworne caitife. Ger. Dor. The stout courage of the archbi|shop. At which words turning himselfe, and looking backe with a sterne countenance he said; That if it were not for his order of priesthood, and that it were lawfull for him, he would suerlie cléere himselfe of periurie and treason, in defending and mainteining his cause against them with wea|pon in hand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When he was come to the vtter gate, he found the same fast locked, whereat they began all to be ama|zed: but one of his seruants espieng where a bunch of keies tied to a clubs end were hanging on a pin, he tooke them down, & tried which was the right key, by proofe whereof he found it at the last, opened the gate, and let the archbishop out, the porters standing still as men amazed, and speaking not one word a|gainst it.

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