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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, vpon the first day of Iulie, Rice prince of Southwales, Matth. Paris. Matth. West. with diuerse other lords and nobles of Wales, did homage both to the king and to his sonne Henrie at Woodstocke. Hamline the kings bastard brother married the countesse of Warren, the widow of William earle of Mortaigne bastard sonne to king Stephan. Anno Reg. 10 Homage of the welshmen. This countesse was the sole daughter and heire of William the third earle of Warren, which went with Lewes king of France into the holie land, and there died. Soone after, N. Triuet. the Welshmen rebelling with their prince Rice and his vncle Owen, did many mischéefes on the marshes: and by the death of Walter Gifford earle of Buc|kingham (who deceased this yeare without heire) that earledome came to the kings hands.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the 20. daie of September were three circles seene to compasse the sun, Matth. Paris. and so continued the space of thrée houres togither: which when they vanished a|waie, two sunnes appeared and sprang foorth after a maruellous maner. Which strange sight the com|mon people imagined to be a signe or token of the controuersie then kindling betwixt the king and the archbishop.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this time the king called a parlement at Westminster, to treat of matters concerning the commonwealth,Discord still kindleth be|twixt the king and the archb. wherein great discord arose betwixt the king & archbishop Becket, about certeine points touching the liberties of the church. For the king ha|uing an earnest zeale vnto iustice, and commanding the iudges to punish offenders without respect, vn|derstood by their information, that manie things by them of the spiritualtie (against whome their authori|tie might not be extended) were committed contra|rie to common order: as theft, rapine, murther, and manslaughter; in so much that in his presence it was made notorious, that sith the beginning of his reigne, aboue an hundred manslaughters had béene committed within his realme of England by préests and men of religious orders. Herevpon being moo|ued in mind,Murthers committed by préests. he set forth lawes against the spiritual|tie, wherein he shewed his zeale of iustice. For as the cause procéeded from the bishops of that age, so did the fault also, sith contrarie to their owne canons they permitted préests to liue ouer licentiouslie with|out due correction, studieng onelie to mainteine the liberties and immunities of the church, W. Paruus. and not to re|forme the irregularitie of the regulars. Matth. Paris. Of this crew was one Philip de Broc, a canon of Bedford, who being arreigned before the kings iusticer for a mur|ther, vttered disdainefull words against the same i [...]|sticer: which when he could not denie before the arch|bishop, he was depriued of his prebend, and banished the land for two yeares space.

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