Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle hearing of king Henries comming with an armie, was put in great feare, and therevp|on EEBO page image 68 wrote letters to his brother in law king Lewes, requiring him with all spéed possible to come vnto his aid. King Lewes vpon receipt of the letters, & vn|derstanding the present danger of the earle, made such hast in continuing his iournie both daie and night, that he came to Tholouze, before king Henrie could arriue there. Which when king Henrie vnder|stood, and perceiued how he was preuented, he chan|ged his purpose of besieging the citie, and fell to spoi|ling of the countrie thereabouts: at which time he recouered certaine places that latel [...]e before had re|uolted from his gouernment, & (amo [...]gst the rest) the citie of Cahors,The citie of Cahors. N. Triuet. The lord chancellor Becket. which he furnished with men, [...] on and vittels, appointing his chancellor Thomas Becket to the custodie and keeping thereof: he for [...]|fied other places also which he had gotten, placing capteines and men of warre to looke vnto the de|fense of the same. Whilest the king was thus abrode on his iournie in the parties of Aquitaine, Rob. Houed. William earle of Bullongne. William earle of Bullongne and Mortaine the sonne of king Stephan, and Hannon earle of Glocester departed this life, which two earles went thither with him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, when he had set things at a staie in those parties, he returned towards Normandie, and com|ming to the citie of Toures, he gaue the order of knighthood vnto Malcolme king of Scotland, and so in the moneth of October he came backe into Nor|mandie, and there augmenting his armie with new supplies,The countie of Beaunoisin entred into the countie of Beau [...]oisin, bur|ned manie villages in the same, and destroied the strong castell of Gerberie, except one turret, which his souldiers could not take, by reason of the fire and smoke which staied and kept them from it. Moreouer, Simon earle of Auranches deliuered vnto king Henrie such fortresses as he held in France, as Roch|fort, Montfort, and such like, which was no small dis|commoditie and inconuenience to the French king, bicause the garisons placed in those fortresses im|peached the passage betwixt Paris and Orleance. But shortlie after, a truce was taken to last from the moneth of December,A truce taken Anno Reg. 6. vnto the feast of the holie Trinitie in the yeare next following.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In the moneth
of Maie also insuing, a peace was concluded vpon the former articles and conditions: for further confirmation whereof,
A peace con|cluded. A marriage concluded.