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Compare 1577 edition: 1 By vertue also of this edict, William of Ypres,William de Ypres. whom king Stephan (as ye haue heard) had made earle of Kent, was constreined with others to de|part the realme, king Henrie seizing all his possessi|ons into his owne hands.Castels ouer|throwne. Polydor. Matth. Paris. Diuerse castels were throwne downe and made plaine with the ground at the kings commandement, which priuate men by king Stephans permission had builded, or else for that they stood not in such places as was thought meet and expedient; Wil. Paruus. Matth. Paris. yet some he caused to be fortifi|ed: and furthermore, tooke into his hands againe such lands and possessions as apperteined to the crowne, and were alienated vnto any manner of person, of what degrée so euer he was. This wounded the minds of many with an inward grudge, as well e|nough perce [...]uing that the king would looke so néere to his owne commoditie, that nothing should be left for them that might any way be recouered and got|ten to his vse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this yere queene Elianor being then in the citie of London, on the last of Februarie was deliuered of hir second sonne named Henrie. N. Triuet. Matth. Paris. Matth. West. William Pe|uerell dishe|rited. About the same time also, William Peuerell of Notingham a noble man and of great possessions was disherited by the king for sorcerie and witchcraft, which he had practi|sed to kill Ran [...]fe earle of Chester, as it was reuea|led openlie, and brought to light. In accomplishing of which hainous crime and detestable act, many o|thers were of counsell, and found giltie with him, which escaped not vnpunished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the tenth of Aprill, king Henrie assembled the EEBO page image 66 péeres & great lords of his realme togither at Wal|lingford, [...]ic. Treuet. and caused them to sweare allegiance vnto his eldest sonne William: prouiding, that if he chan|ced to die, Matth. Paris. Nic. Treuet. Hugh de Mortimer. The castell of Cleberie. then they should doo the like vnto his bro|ther Henrie. Also whereas Hugh de Mortimer had fensed his castels against king Henrie, he besieged the same, and taking the castell of Cleberie, he de|stroied it. Wherevpon, the foresaid Hugh shortlie af|ter was at peace with the king, and surrendred to him the two castels of Wigmore and Bridgenorth, which hitherto he had holden. Moreouer, whereas there was variance kindled betwixt the king, and Roger Fitz Miles of Glocester (who was earle of Hereford) for the lands of Glocester,Roger Fitz Miles. that variance was also quenched: for after the same Roger was dead, his brother Walter succeeding him in the earl|dome of Hereford, was constreined to depart with the citie of Glocester, which the king held and retei|ned in his owne hands.

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