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Compare 1577 edition: 1 He was comelie of stature, of a verie good com|plexion and disposition, of great strength,His stature. in quali|ties of mind verie excellent, expert in warre, gentle, curteous, and verie liberall. For though he continued all his time in a maner in the maintenance of wars, yet he leuied but few tributs, or almost none at all. Indéed he put diuers bishops to greeuous fines, and that not without the iust iudgement of Almightie God, that they might so be punished duelie for their periurie committed in helping him to the crowne. Uices wherewith he should be noted I find none, but that vpon an ambitious desire to reigne, he brake his oth which he made vnto the empresse Maud.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In his daies, the abbeies of Tiltey, Fontneis,Abbeies founded. Coggheshall he founded himselfe, and Fontneis in Lancashire, & Feuersham in Kent. Rieualle, Coggeshall in Essex, Newbourgh and Béeland, Meriuale in Warwikeshire, Garedon in Leicestershire, Kirkstéed in Yorkeshire, with diuerse other in other parts of the realme, were founded, in so much that more abbeis were erected in his daies, than had béene within the space of an hundred yeares EEBO page image 65 before, Wil. Paruus. as William Paruus writeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 A great number of castels also were builded in his daies (as before ye haue heard) by the Nobles of the realme, either to defend the confines of their countries from inuasions of forrenners, and vio|lence of homelings; or as fortifications to them|selues when they ment or intended any inrode or breaking vpon their neighbours.

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