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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After his departure, king Stephan spent the sum|mer season of this yeare, in going about the most part of the realme, shewing all the courtesie he could deuise to the people in all places where he came; ex|cept where he found any rebellious persons,

Wil. Paru. Philip de Co|leuille.

The castell of Drax.

as in Yorkshire, where Philip de Coleuille (in trust of his castell which he had stronglie fortified at a certeine place called Drax) shewed himselfe disobedient to the king, who assembling a power in the countrie, besie|ged that castell, and shortlie wanne it, without any great adoo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When duke Henrie was departed (as ye haue heard) and gone ouer into Normandie, now that he had concluded a peace with king Stephan, his puis|sance was thought to be such,The puissance of duke Hẽrie. that he was able to mainteine warres with the mightiest prince that then reigned. For in right of his wife, he had gotten possession of the duchie of Aquitaine, and the earle|dome of Poictou; and further by his mother, he en|ioied the duchie of Normandie, and looked to succéed in the kingdome of England: and in right of his fa|ther he was earle of Aniou, Thouraigne, and Maine. He also reuoked into his hands certeine parcels of his demeane lands, which his father had giuen away, and passing from thence into Aquitaine, mightilie subdued certeine lords and barons there, that had re|belled against him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time a peace was concluded be|twixt the French king, and this duke Henrie:A peace con|cluded be|twixt the French king and duke Henrie. Matth. West. the king restoring vnto the duke the townes of New|march and Uernon, which he had before taken from him, and the duke giuing to the king 20000. markes of siluer, for the harmes doone by him, within the realme of France.

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