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Compare 1577 edition: 1

Wil. Paruus. N. Triuet. Dauid king of Scots reti|red home.

Simon Dun. R. Houe. Alberike de Uéer slaine.

Dauid king of Scotland was not at the battell himselfe, but hearing of the discomfiture, got him out of the countrie, and by helpe of trustie guides re|turned into Scotland, whilest Alberike de [...]éer was slaine at London in a seditious tumult raised by the citizens. The kingdome being thus diuided into two seuerall factions, was by all similitudes like to come to vtter ruine: for the people kindled in hatred one against another, sought nothing else but reuenge on both sides, Wil. Malm. and still the land was sp [...]iled and wasted by the men of warre which lodged within the castels and fortresses, Polydor. and would often issue out to harrie and spoile the countries. But now that the two cheefest heads were prisoners, there was good hope conceiued that God had so wrought it, whereby might grow some ouerture of talke, to quiet such troubles by fréendlie peace and agreement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon those lords that wished well to the com|mon-wealth, began to intreate betwixt them, and articles were propounded for a concord to be had, and an exchange of prisoners on both sides. But the em|presse and hir brother would not hearken to any a|gréement, except that the realme might wholie re|maine to the said empresse. Whereby the enimies were rather increased than decreased by this treatie, so that at length the king and the earle (weried with tedious yrksomnesse of yrons and hard imprison|ment,

Geruasius Dorober.

The king and the earle of Glocester de|liuered by ex|change.

and putting all their hope in the chance of war) about the feast of All saints made exchange by de|liuering of the one for the other, without making mention of any peace at all: Anno Reg. 7. 1142 and so kindled with new displeasures, they renewed the warre.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Stephan being deliuered in such wise as you haue heard, comming to London, Geruasius Do|robernensis. A parlement called. and there being accompanied with his brother Henrie bishop of Winchester (then the popes legat) Theobald archbi|shop of Canturburie, and others, he called a parle|ment, wherein the king declared the present state, how the enimie was brought to this point, that if it would please the Nobles of the realme to mainteine him with men & monie, he trusted now so to worke, as they should not need to feare submission to the yoke of a womans gouernment: which at the first they seemed much to mislike, and now sithens (to their great gréefe) had prooued to be intollerable. The summe of his talke tended to this end, that those which were able of themselues to aid him with their owne persons, should prepare them out of hand so to doo; and the residue that were not meet (as bishops, and such like maner of men) should be contributors to aid him with hired souldiers, armour, and monie.

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