Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here the earle of Chester (to vtter the good will which he had to fight) appointed in faire armour as he was, spake these words in effect as followeth, dire|cting the same to the earle of Glocester, and other the capteines, saieng:
I giue you hartie thanks, most inuincible chiefteine,The oration of the earle of Chester. Ran. Higd. and you my fellow soldi|ers, which declare your hartie good wils towards me, euen to the ieoparding of your liues at this my re|quest and instance. Sith then I am the occasion of your perill, it is conuenient that I make the first en|trance, and giue the onset of the battell vpon that most disloiall king, who granting a truce, hath bro|ken the peace; and swearing to be a subiect, is now prooued a most wicked vsurper: I therefore trusting both vpon reuenge of the vniust dealings of this king, and also vpon mine owne force and courage, shall straitwaies breake in sunder the arraie of his armie, and make waie through the middest of the e|nimies with sword in hand. It shall be your parts then to follow me, who will lead you the waie: for e|uen now my mind giueth me, that I shall passe tho|rough the battels, tread the capteines vnder foot, and run the king through with this my sharpe sword.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When he had thus ended, the earle of Glocester answered in this wise:The earle of Glocesters answer to the earle of Che|sters oration.
It is not against reason that you should require the honor of the first onset, both for the nobilitie of your house, and also in respect of the prowesse wherein you excell: but yet if you stand vpon nobilitie, for my part, being the sonne and ne|phue of a king, ought not I to be preferred? If vpon valiancie, here are manie verie worthie men, afore whom there is not one aliue that may chalenge any prerogatiue. But another reason moueth me most chieflie to be the formost. The king, who contrarie to his oth made to my sister, hath cruellie vsurped the kingdome, and setting all in trouble, hath beene the cause of manie thousand mens deaths, and distri|buted lands and liuings to such as haue no right to the same, which he hath violentlie taken from the rightfull owners, who are quite disherited. This king (I saie) is first to be assailed with the assistance of the righteous iudge, who prepareth punishment for wic|ked dooers. For almightie God, who iudgeth his peo|ple with equitie, will looke downe from his heauen|lie habitation, and will not leaue vs comfortlesse in this so great a necessitie. One thing there is, most valiant capteines, and all you right hardie souldiers, which I would haue you to consider, that through the fennes, which with much adoo you haue passed, there is no waie to escape by flight. Here must we either vanquish the enimies,The necessi|tie to fight valiantlie. or else die in the field: for no hope of safegard remaineth in fléeing awaie. This onelie resteth (I saie) that you make waie for you to enter the citie with force of your weapons. If I be not deceiued in that which my mind giueth me to coniecture, the lacke of meanes to escape, otherwise than by shewing your selues valiant men, by Gods helpe will bring vs the victorie. For he must néeds plaie the man, who hath not other succor to auoid the danger of destruction. The citizens of Lincolne, who shall fight so néere their houses as you shall sée, will not staie long to get them thither for their refuge. And herewith consider and weie (I beseech you) a|gainst whom you shall match in this battell. There is Alane duke of Britaine,Alane duke of Britaine. who commeth armed a|gainst you, yea rather against God, a wicked person, and spotted with all kind of filthinesse; who in ma|lice hath no péere, as one that neuer wanted desire to doo mischéefe: and who to be comparable in cruel|tie, would iudge it a great reproch. There commeth also the earle of Mellent,The earle of Mellent. a man full of all guile and deceit, in whose hart iniquitie is rooted, and nothing sounding in his mouth but vnthankfulnesse; besides this, he is slothfull in déeds, presumptuous in words, not hastie to fight, but swift to run awaie. Then com|meth earle Hugh, who hath not thought it sufficient to breake his oth to my sister the empresse,Earle Hugh. but he must commit periurie the second time, in aduouch|ing (vpon a new oth) that king Henrie granted the kingdome to Stephan, and disabled his daughter. After him marcheth the earle of Albemarle, a man of singular constancie in euill,The earle of Albemarle. verie readie to at|tempt and loth to giue ouer a mischeefe: whose wife, through irkesomnes of his filthie behauiour is gone from him; & he that keepeth hir,The earle of Albermarles wife. cõmeth with him also against vs, an open adulterer, & one well esteemed of Bacchus, but nothing acquainted with Mars. Then setteth foorth Simon earle of Hampton, whose déeds consist in words, & whose gifts rest in promises.Simon earle of Hampton. For when he hath said, he hath doone; & when he hath pro|mised, ye get no more. Finallie there come togither a knot of Péeres & Noble men,Like maister, like seruants. like to their king and maister, accustomed to robberies, enriched with ra|pines, embrued with manslaughters, & defamed with periurie. You therefore (most valiant capteins & har|die souldiers) whom king Henrie hath aduanced, and this man hath brought vnder foot; whom he made wealthie, and this man hath impouerished; vpon trust of your worthy valiancie, yea rather vpon trust of Gods iustice seeke your reuenge thus offered by God vpon these wicked wretches, & with manlie sto|machs vow to go forward, & forswere stepping back.When the earle had made an end, all the armie (lift|ing vp their hands to God) abiured all intention to flée, and so made themselues readie to set forward.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 King Stephan
hauing no pleasant voice of him|selfe, appointed earle Baldwin to giue an exhortati|on to his armie,
wherevpon getting himselfe to an high place where he might be seene & heard of them, he thus began.
All such as shall giue battell,
Earle Bald|win his ora|tion in the be|halfe of king Stephan. Thrée things to be fore|séene by them that shall giue battell.