Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Scots were as readie to encounter with them, so that the battell began to be verie hot, and e|uen at the first out flew the arrowes, and then the footmen ioined, who fought most fiercelie on both sides. Herewith a wing of them of Lodian,The Scots of Lodian dis|order the Englishmen. Simon Dun. Matth. Paris. which were in the Scotish vauntgard, brake in vpon the vauntgard of the English: but yet closing togither againe, they kept out the enimies, and casting about with a wing, compassed the Scotish horssemen round about, and panching their horsses, they slue a great number, and constreined the residue to retire. Which thing when their felowes in the other wing saw, their hearts began to faint, and by and by betooke them to their heeles.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The rumor of this flight being notified to the maine battell of the Scotish men, where king Dauid him|selfe was fighting with his enimies,The Scots put to flight. discomfited them also, in such wise, that they in like sort began to EEBO page image 50 shrinke backe: first by parts, and after by heaps togi|ther. The king did what he could to staie them: but the English pressed so vpon them, that there was no re|couerie. Wherefore he himselfe was glad in the end to beare his men companie, in séeking to saue him|selfe by flight, and make such shift as he could a|mongst the residue.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Henrie earle of Hunting|ton his vali|ancie.His sonne Henrie the earle of Huntington more regarding his honour, than the danger of life, neither mooued with the flight of his father, nor the ouerthrow of the other, came in amongst his men, being readie to turne their backes, and with bold countenance spake these or the like words vnto them, as the short|nesse of the time would permit.
Whither go you good fellowes? Here shall you find armour and force, neither shall you, whilest life remaineth in your cap|teine (whom ye ought to follow) depart without the victorie. Therefore choose whether yee had rather trie the matter with the enimies by battell, or to be put to a shamefull death at home after your returne thi|ther.The Scots mooued with these vehement words of their valiant capteine, recoiled vpon their eni|mies, and began to make hauocke of them: but be|ing no great number, and beset with the English footmen before, and the horssemen behind, they were shortlie brought to distresse, and for the more part ei|ther taken or slaine.