¶Thus we sée that euen princes come to the like end by as base meanes as other inferiour persons; ac|cording to that of the poet:
And here we haue to note the neglect of the physici|ans counsell, and that same ill disposition in diet which the king chose rather to satisfie, than by re|straining it to auoid the danger whereinto he fell. But this is the preposterous election of vntoward patients, according to that:Dant alios furiae toruo spectacula Marti,Exitio est auidis mare nautis:Mista senum ac iuuenum densantur funera, nullumSaeua caput Proserpina fugit.
Nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimús negata.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The issue of king Henrie the first.Touching his issue, he had by his first wife a sonne named William, drowned (as ye haue heard) in the sea: also a daughter named Maud, whome with hir sonnes he appointed to inherit his crowne and o|ther dominions. He had issue also by one of his con|cubins, euen a sonne named Richard, and a daughter named Marie, who were both drowned with their brother William. By an other concubine he had a sonne named Robert, who was created duke of Glo|cester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 His stature.He was strong of bodie, fleshie, and of an indiffe|rent stature, blacke of haire, and in maner bald be|fore, with great and large eies, of face comelie, well countenanced, and pleasant to the beholders, special|lie when he was disposed to mirth.