Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polydor. In this yeare Charles earle of Flanders, the suc|cessor of earle Baldwin, was traitorouslie murthe|red of his owne people: & bicause he left no issue be|hind him to succéed as his heire, Lewes the French king made William the sonne of duke Robert Curthose earle of Flanders,William sonne to Robert Curthose made erle of Flanders. as the next cousine in bloud to the same Charles. ¶ Truth it is, that by his fathers side, this William was descended from erle Baldwin surnamed Pius, whose daughter Maud be|ing maried vnto William Conqueror, bare by him the foresaid Robert Curthose, father to this Willi|am, now aduanced to the gouernment of Flanders, but he wanted not aduersaries that were competi|tors and malignant sutors for that earledome, who sought to preferre themselues, and to displace him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie misliking the promotion of the said William, although he was his nephue, for that he supposed he would seeke to reuenge old displeasures if he might compasse to haue the French kings assi|stance, thought good with the aduice of his councell towithstand the worst. Wherevpon he tooke order for the maintenance of the warre abroad, and the supplie of souldiers, and other things necessarie to be consi|dered of for the suertie of his realme.The empresse Maud maried to the earle of Aniou. Ger. Dor.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, bicause he was in despaire to haue is|sue by his second wife, about Whitsuntide he sent o|uer his daughter Maud the empresse into Norman|die, that she might be married vnto Geffrey Plan|tagenet earle of Aniou, and in August after he fol|lowed himselfe. Now the matter went so forward, that the mariage was celebrated betwixt the said earle and empresse vpon the first sundaie in Aprill, which fell vpon the third of the moneth, and in the 27. of his reigne.