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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. West. The first erec|tion of the bi|shoprike of Elie. Eadmerus. About the same time was the bishops sée of Elie erected by the king, who appointed one Haruie to be the first bishop there, who before had béene bishop of Bangor. Cambridgeshire was annexed to that see, which bicause it had of former time belonged to the see of Lincolne, the king gaue vnto the bishop of Lincolne (as it were in recompense) the towne of Spalding which was his owne. The prior of Elie, named Richard,Richard prior of Elie. desirous to honour himselfe and his house with the title of a bishops dignitie, procured the erection of that bishoprike, first moouing the king therein, and after persuading with the bishop of Lin|colne to grant his good will: but yet yer the matter was brought to perfection, this prior died, and so the said Haruie enioied the roome: wherein the prouer be tooke place, that One soweth, but an other reapeth (as Polydor alledgeth it.) But to procéed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polydor. Shortlie after the deceasse of Anselme, a Legat came from Rome, Eadmerus. bringing with him the pall for the archbishop of Yorke.A legate from Rome. Howbeit now that Anselme was dead, the said Legat wist not what to doo in the matter, bicause he was appointed to deliuer the pall first and immediatlie vnto Anselme, and further therein to deale (concerning the bestowing thereof) as should séeme good vnto him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the feast of Pentecost next insuing, the king returned from Normandie, and held his court at London, where after the solemnitie of that feast, he called an assemblie of the bishops, to vnderstand what was to be doone in the matter, for the consecration of the archbishop of Yorke. Here were the letters shewed which the archbishop Anselme had (a little be|fore his death) directed vnto euerie of the bishops as before yee haue heard.The earle of Mellent. Which when the earle of Mel|lent had read, and vnderstood the effect, he asked what he was that durst receiue any such letters without the kings assent and commandement? At length the bishops aduising themselues what they had to doo, re|quired Samson bishop of Worcester to declare his opinion,Samson bi|shop of Wor|cester. who boldlie spake these words;

Although this man, who is elected archbishop, is my sonne, whome in times past I begot of my wife, and therfore ought to seeke his aduancement as nature and worldlie re|spects might mooue me: yet am I more bound vnto the church of Canturburie, my mother, which hath preferred me to this honor that I doo beare, and by the ministerie of a bishoplike office hath made me partaker of that grace, which it hath deserued to en|ioy of the Lord. Wherefore I would it should be no|tified vnto you all, that I meane to obeie in euerie condition the commandement conteined in the let|ters of our father Anselme concerning the matter which you haue now in hand. For I will neuer giue mine assent, that Thomas nominated archbishop of Yorke shall be consecrated, till he haue professed his due and canonicall obedience touching his subiecti|on to the church of Canturburie.Looke in pa. 9. in both co|lumns, where you shall sée this matter determined. For I my selfe was present when my brother Thomas archbishop of Yorke, constreined both by ancient customes and in|uincible reasons, did professe the like subiection vnto archbishop Lanfranke, and all his successours the archbishops of Canturburie.

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