Compare 1577 edition: 1 The archbishop of Yorke being thus instructed by the canons of his church, signified to archbishop An|selme the cause why he came not at his summons. The copie of a parcell whereof is here exemplified. Causam, qua differtur sacratio mea, quam nemo studio|sius quàm ego vellet accellerare, qui protulerunt, non desistunt corroborare. Quamobrem, quàm periculosum & quàm turpe sit, contra consensum ec [...]lesiae, cui praefici debeo, regimen ipsius inuadere, vestra discretio nouerit. Sed & quàm sormidabile & quàm sit euitandum, sub specie benedictionis maledictio|nem induere, &c: that is;
Compare 1577 edition: 1
The cause why my consecration is deferred, which no man liuing would wish to be doone with more speed than I my selfe: those that haue prolonged it, ceasse not to confirme. Wherefore how dangerous and how dishonest it should be for me to inuade the gouernment of that church, which I ought to rule, without cõsent of the same, your discretion rightwell vnderstandeth. Yea and how dreadfull a thing it is, and how much to be auoided to receiue a cursse, vn|der colour of a blessing, &c.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Anselme
hauing alreadie written twice vnto the said Thomas archbishop of Yorke about this matter, and now receiuing
this answer, could not be quiet in mind, and therevpon taking aduice with certeine bishops whom he called
vnto him, determined to send two bishops vnto the said Thomas of Yorke: and so the bishop of London (as
deane to the archbishop of Canturburie) & the bishop of Rochester (as his house|hold chapleine) were
sent to commune with him,
The bishop of London deane to the archbi|shop of Can|turburie. The bishop of Rochester his chapleine.