Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this time Robert duke of Normandie came into England to see his brother:Duke Robert commeth into England to visit his bro|ther. who through the su|gred words and sweet enterteinment of the king, re|leased the yeerelie tribute of 3000. markes, which he should haue had out of the realme vpon agreement (as before ye haue heard) but cheefelie indéed at the request of the queene, being instructed by hir husband how she should deale with him that was knowne to be frée and liberall, without any great consideration what he presentlie granted.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now hauing béene here a certeine time, and sola|ced himselfe with his brother and sister, he retur|ned into Normandie, where shortlie after he began to repent him of his follie, in being so liberall as to release the foresaid tribute: wherevpon he menaced the king, and openlie in his reproch said that he was craftilie circumuented by him, and flatlie couzened. Diuerse in Normandie desired nothing more than to set the two brethren at square, Wil. Malm. Factious per|sons practise to set the two brethren at variance. and namelie Robert de Belesme earle of Shrewsburie, with William earle of Mortaigne: these two were banished the realme of England. The earle of Shrewesburie for his rebellious attempts (as before you haue heard) and the earle of Mortaigne left the land of his owne willfull and stubborne mind,The earle of Mortaigne. exiling himselfe onelie vpon hatred which he bare to the king. For being not contented with the earledome of Mortaigne in Nor|mandie, and the earledome of Cornewall in Eng|land, he made sute also for the earledome of Kent, which his vncle Odo sometime held. Now bicause he was not onelie denied of that sute, but also by order of lawe had certeine parcels of land taken from him, which he wrongfullie deteined, he got him into Nor|mandie, and there made war both against those pla|ces which the king held, and also against other that belonged to Richard earle of Chester, who was then vnder the kings tuition and gouernement by reason of his minoritie.Richard earle of Chester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The threatning words of duke Robert comming at the last to king Henries eares, caused him foorth|with to conceiue verie sore displeasure against the duke, in so much that he sent ouer a power into Nor|mandie, which finding no great resistance,A power of men sent into Normandie. did much hurt in the countrie, by fetching and carieng spoiles and preies. Againe, the Normans rather fauoured than sought to hinder the enterprise of king Henrie, bicause they saw how duke Robert with his foolish prodigalitie and vndiscréet liberalitie had made a|waie all that belonged to his estate; so that of the whole duchie of Normandie, he had not any citie or towne of name left in his owne possession, Roan onelie excepted, which he also would haue alienated, if the citizens would haue consented to his fond mo|tion. Gemeticen [...]is.