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Compare 1577 edition: 1 After them also folowed Anselme archbishop of Canturburie, Gerard archbishop of Yorke,Anselme go|eth also to Rome. & Wil|liam the elect of Winchester, whom the pope recei|ued with a courteous kind of interteinement. But Anselme was highlie honored aboue all the residue, whose diligence and zeale in defense of the ordinan|ces of the sée of Rome, he well inough vnderstood. The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and An|selme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull. Upon the otherside, Anselme and his partakers with contrarie reasons sought to confute the same. Whervpon the pope de|clared, that sith by the lawes of the church it was de|creed, that the possession of any spirituall benefice, obteined otherwise than by meanes of a spirituall person, could not be good or allowable; from thence|foorth, neither the king nor any other for him, should challenge any suth right to apperteine vnto them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The kings ambassadours hearing this, were som|what troubled in their minds: wherevpon William Warlewast burst out and said with great vehemen|cie euen to the popes face: Eadmerus. The saieng of Wil. Warle|wast to the pope. Whatsoeuer is or may be spoken in this maner to or fro, I would all that be present should well vnderstand, that the king my maister will not lose the inuestitures of churches for the losse of his whole realme. Unto which words Pas|chall himselfe replieng, said vnto him againe:

The popes answer to him If (as thou saiest) the king thy maister will not forgo the inuestiture of churches for the losse of his realme, know thou for certeine, and marke my words well, I speake it before God, that for the ransome of his head, pope Paschall will not at any time permit that he shall enioie them in quiet.
At length by the aduise of his councell, the pope granted the king certeine priuileges and customes, which his predecessours had vsed and enioied: but as for the inuestitures of bi|shops, he would not haue him in any wise to meddle withall: Polydor. yet did he confirme those bishops whom the king had alreadie created, least the refusall should be occasion to sowe any further discord.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This businesse being in this maner ordered, the ambassadours were licenced to depart, who recei|uing at the popes hands great rewards, and Gerard the archbishop of Yorke his pall, they shortlie after returned into England, declaring vnto the king the popes decrée and sentence. The king being still other|wise persuaded, and looking for other newes, was no|thing pleased with this matter. Long it was yer he would giue ouer his claime, or yéeld to the popes EEBO page image 32 iudgement, till that in processe of time, ouercome with the earnest sute of Anselme, he granted to ob [...]ie the popes order herein, though (as it should appeare) right sore against his will.

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