Compare 1577 edition: 1 24 That there should be no more buieng and sel|ling of men vsed in England, which was hitherto ac|customed, as if they had béene kine or oxen.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 25 That all such as committed the filthie sinne of Sodomitrie should be accurssed by the decrée of this councell, till by penance & confession they should ob|teine absolution. Prouided that if he were a pr [...]est or any religious person, he should lose his benefice, and be made vncapeable of any other ecclesiasticall pre|ferment if: he were a laie man, he should lose the pre|rogatiue of his estate. Prouided also that no religi|ous man might be absolued of this crime, but at the bishops hands.