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Body Text: Section 3 of
24: Henrie the first, yoongest sonne to William the Conquerour.
Snippet: 19 of 171 (1587, Volume 6, p. 30) Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That preests should not haunt alehouses,Against préests that were alehouse hunters. and further, that they should weare apparell of one ma|ner of colour, and shooes after a comelie fashion: for a little before that time, préests vsed to go verie vn|séemelie.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 6 >
Body Text: Section 3 of
24: Henrie the first, yoongest sonne to William the Conquerour.
Snippet: 20 of 171 (1587, Volume 6, p. 30) Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That no archdeaconries should be let to farme.Archdeacon|ries.