Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ¶It should séeme by Eadmerus, that she was neuer nunne, but onelie veiled by hir mother, and placed a|mongst nunnes against hir will (as she protested to the whole world) at such time as archbishop Anselme refused to solemnize the mariage betwixt them, till that doubt were cleared, and the occasion remoued, wherevpon euill disposed men would haue surmised ilfauoredlie, and reported the worst. Howbeit whe|ther she were professed, or veiled onelie, loth she was to consent at the first (as partlie ye haue heard) but after that she was coupled with the king in mariage, she prooued a right obedient wife.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About this season the archbishop of Uienna came ouer into England with the popes authoritie (as he pretended) to be legat ouer all Briteine,The archbi|shop of Uien|na the popes legat. which was strange newes vnto England, and greatlie woonde|red at (as Eadmerus saith) of all men. For ithad not beene heard of in England before that time, that any person should supplie the popes roome, except the arch|bishop of Canturburie.He is not re|ceiued for le|gat. And so he departed as he came, for no man receiued him as legat, neither did he exercise anie legantine authoritie. Not long after, the king sent ambassadours to Rome, about a suit which he had against the archbishop Anselme, for that he denied not onelie to doo him homage, but also would not consecrate such bishops and ecclesiasticall gouernours as he vndertooke to inuest. Touching which matter no small trouble arose, as hereafter shall appeere.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, Robert the kings elder bro|ther, returning out of the holie land, came into Normandie: for after he had aduertisement of the death of his brother Rufus, and that his yoonger bro|ther was crowned king of England, he was great|lie displeased in his mind, and meant with all spéed to assaie if he might recouer it out of his hands.