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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The bishops would faine haue persuaded An|selme to haue shewed himselfe conformable to the kings pleasure, and therefore tooke paines with him earnestlie in that behalfe, but all would not serue. He answered indéed verie curteouslie, but his bene|fice he would not renounce, as touching the name and office, though in exterior things he were neuer so much disquieted. The king perceiuing him to stand stiffe in his opinion, said vnto his lords;

His words are euer contrarie to my mind, and I will not take him for my freend, whosoeuer dooth fauour him. I shall therefore require you that be péeres of my realme, to renounce all the faith and freendship which you beare him, that he may see what he hath gained by that allegiance, which (to the offending of my per|son) he obserueth to the apostolike sée. Whereto the lords answered; As for vs, we were neuer his men, and therefore we cannot abiure any fealtie which we neuer acknowledged. He is our archbishop, and hath rule in matters perteining to christian religion within this land, for which cause we that are christi|ans may not refuse his authoritie whilest we re|maine here on earth, bicause he is attainted with no blemish of any heinous crime, which may constreine vs otherwise to doo.
The king refrained and dissem|bled his wrath, least he should prouoke them to fur|ther displeasure by speaking against their reason.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishops were sore abashed hereat,The bishops driuen to their shifts how to shape an an|swer. and driuen to a shrewd pinch. Now when, not long after, the king required to know of euerie of them apart, whe|ther they vtterlie renounced all maner of subiection and obedience vnto Anselme without any condition intermitted, or else that onelie which he did pretend by authoritie of the pope: the bishops making an|swer diuerslie herevnto, the king appointed those to sit downe by him as faithfull subiects, who acknow|ledged that their renuntiation was absolutelie made, without intermitting of any condition: as for the other, who protested that they renounced their subiection and obedience vnto him onelie in that which he presumed vpon in the behalfe of the pope, he commanded them to go aside, and to remaine in a corner of the house to heare the sentence of their con|demnation pronounced.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore being put in a maruellous feare, they withdrew themselues aside, but yet straightwaies they deuised a shift wherewith they had beene well acquainted before,The meane to pacifie ye king. as followeth. They presented to the king a great masse of monie to appease his wrath, and so thereby were restored to his fauour.The stiffenes of Anselme in withstanding the kings pleasure. Anselme notwithstanding was obstinate in his opi|nion, so that in the end, the sentence touching this controuersie betwixt him and the king, was respited till the octaues of Pentecost next insuing. All this was notified well inough to the pope, who vsed the matter with such moderation, Matth. Paris. that by secret aduer|tisements giuen, he tooke awaie from his brethren all rigorous waies of procéedings, saieng;

Dum furor in cursu est, currenti cede furori.
But yet the kings enmitie towards Anselme was openlie declared, and that chéefelie for the deniall of the monie which he demanded; but at length he got it, though not with any frée hart or goodwill of the archbishop: insomuch that the king reputed him giltie of treason. Within a few daies after, Wal|ter bishop of Alba, bringing to him his pall, verie wiselie reconciled the pope and the king. Not|withstanding all this, Anselme could not purchase the kings goodwill to his contentment, though he wiselie dissembled for the time: so that when the bishop of Alba should returne to Rome, he made sute for licence to go with him. Neuerthelesse, the king offered him, that if he would desist from his purpose, and sweare vpon the euangelists neither to go to Rome, nor to appeale in any cause to the popes court, he might and should liue in quietnesse frée EEBO page image 26 from all danger:
but if he would not be so contented, he might and should depart at his perill, without hope to returne hither againe. Ead [...]eru [...].
For surelie (saith he) if he go, I will seize the archbishoprike into mine owne hands, and receiue him no more for archbishop.

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