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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King William therefore conceiued displeasure against Urban, who withstood the emperours pre|tense, and alledged by the like, that no archbishop or bishop within his realme should haue respect to the church of Rome, nor to anie pope, with whome they had nothing to doo, either by waie of subiection, or otherwise; sith the popes wandered out of the steps which Peter trode, séeking after bribes, lucre, and worldlie honor. He said also that they could not re|teine the power to lose and bind, which they sometime had, since they shewed themselues nothing at all to follow his most vertuous life and holie conuersation. He added furthermore, that for himselfe, sithens the conuersion of the realme to the christian faith, he had as great authoritie, franchises and liberties within the same, as the emperour had in his empire. And what hath the pope then to doo (quoth he) in the em|pire, or in my kingdome touching temporall liber|ties, whose dutie it is to be carefull for the soule of man, and to sée that heresies spring not vp, which if the prelates of the prouince be not able to reforme, then might the pope doo it, either by himselfe or his legats. Againe, by reason of the schisme, & for the dis|pleasure that he bare pope Urban, Eadmerus. The kings demand to An [...]elme. he asked Anselme of which pope he would require his pall, sith he was so hastie to go to Rome for it? Wherto Anselme answe|red, that he would require it of pope Urban. Which words when the king had heard, he said, I haue not as yet admitted him pope: adding further that it was against the custome vsed either in his or his fa|thers time, that anie man within the realme of Eng|land should name or obeie anie man for pope, with|out the kings licence and consent, saieng moreouer, that if the said Anselme would séeke to take that pr [...]|rogatiue and dignitie from him, it should be all one, as if he should go about to take awaie from him his crowne, and all other roiall dignitie. Wherevnto Anselme answered, that at Rochester (before he was consecrated bishop) he had declared his mind there|in, and that beeing abbat of Bechellouin in Nor|mandie, he had receiued Urban for pope; so that whatsoeuer chanced, he might reuolt from his obedi|ence and subiection.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king beeing the more kindled herewith, pro|tested in plaine words, that Anselme could not kéepe his faith and allegiance towards him, and his obedi|ence also to the see of Rome against his will and pleasure. But (to conclude) this matter went so far EEBO page image 25 in controuersie betwixt the king and the bishop, that a councell was called at Rockingham in Rutland|shire,A councell at Rockingham in Rutland|shire. and there in the church within the castell, the matter was earnestlie decided, and much adoo on e|uerie side, to haue constreined Anselme to renounce his opinion, but he would not. Wherfore it was then deuised, that if he would not agrée to the kings plea|sure, they would by and by sée if they might by any meanes depriue him: but Anselme still held hard, and could not be feared by all these threats; and in like maner to iudge of an archbishops cause, the o|ther bishops concluded that they had no authoritie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, while the matter was in consultation among the bishops, another of the kings councell that was a knight, came before Anselme in place where he sat almost alone, to looke for an answer by them from the king, which knight knéeling downe before the archbishop, spake these words vnto him:

Reuerend father, your humble children beséech your Grace not to haue your heart troubled with these things which you heare; but call to remembrance that blessed man Iob, vanquishing the diuell on the dunghill, and reuenging Adam whome he had o|uercome in paradise.
Which words the archbishop considering with a freendlie countenance, perceiued that the minds of the people remained on his side, whereof both he and such as were about him, were right ioifull and greatlie comforted, hauing hope (according to the scripture) that the If they be Gods people. voice of the people was the voice of God. When the king vnder|stood all these things, he was maruelouslie disquieted in mind, and therefore perceiuing that the bishops and other of his councell had promised more than they could performe, he blamed them for it: vnto whom the bishop of Durham that was the chéefe doo|er in this matter, framed this answer:
He spake so faintlie (quoth he) and so coldlie at the first, that he sée|med not to haue any store of wit or wisdome.

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