Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time also, or rather two yéere be|fore; to wit 1097. néere to Abington, at a towne called Finchamsteed in Barkshire, a well or foun|taine flowed with bloud,Finchamstéed Ran. Higd. Hen. Hunt. Matth. West. Wil. Malm. in maner as before it vsed to flow with water, and this continued for the space of three daies, or (as William Malm. saith) fifteene daies togither.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After the king had dispatched his businesse in Nor|mandie, & was returned into England (as he was making prouision to ride foorth on hunting) a mes|senger came suddenlie vnto him, bringing word, that the citie of Mans was besieged, Hen. Hunt. Matth. Paris. and like to be surprised. The king was then at dinner, meaning first to make an end thereof, and after to take ad|uice in that matter: but being reprooued by the mes|senger, for that to the great danger of his subiects which were besieged he passed not to make delaies, rather than to go and succour them with all spéed, he taketh the mans blunt spéech in so good part, that he called straightwaie for masons to breake downe the wall, to the end he might passe through the next way, and not be driuen to step so farre out of his path, as to go foorth by the doores: and so without any long ad|uisement taken in the cause, he rode straightwaie to the sea, sending his lords a commandement to fol|low; Wil. Malm. who when they came in his presence, counsel|led him to staie till his people were assembled. How|beit he would not giue eare to their aduice in that point, but said; Such as loue me, I know well will follow me, and so went a shipboord, setting apart all doubts of perils; and yet was the weather verie darke, rough and cloudie, insomuch that the maister of the ship was afraid, and willed him to tarrie till the wind did settle in some quiet quarter: but hee commanded to hoise vp sailes, and to make all spéed that could be for life,The saieng of king William Rufus. incouraging the shipmaister with these words, that he neuer heard as yet of anie king that was drowned.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus passing the seas, he landed in Normandie, where he gathered his power, and made towards Mans. When those which held the siege before the citie, heard of his approch,Mans deliue|red from an asséege. they brake vp their campe and departed thence: howbeit, the capteine named Helias, that pretended by title and right to be earle of Mans, was taken by a traine, and brought before the king, who iested at him, as though he had beene but a foole and a coward. Wherevpon,Helias. the said Heli|as kindled in wrath, boldlie said vnto him;
Whereas thou hast taken me prisoner, it was by méere chance, and not by thy manhood: but if I were at libertie a|gaine, I would so vse the matter with thee, that thou shouldest not thinke I were a man so lightlie to be laughed at No should (saith the king?) Well then I EEBO page image 24 giue thée thy libertie, and go thy waies, doo euen the worst that lieth in thy power against me, for I care not a button for théeHelias being thus set at liber|tie, did nothing after (to make anie account of) a|gainst the king, but rather kept himselfe quiet. How|beit some write, Hen. Hunt. Polydor. that he was not taken at all, but es|caped by flight. To procéed, king William being returned into England, and puffed vp with pride of his victories, and now séeing himselfe fullie deliue|red from all troubles of warre, began after his old manner to spoile and wast the countrie by vnreaso|nable exactions, tributes and paiments.