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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King William passeth ouer into Nor|mandie.After this, about midlent he passed ouer into Nor|mandie with an armie, purposing to trie the matter with his brother in plaine battell, that thereby he might rather grow to some certeine point of losse or lucre, than to stand euer vpon vncerteinties, whether to haue peace or war, that he must be constreined to be at all times in a readinesse to defend himselfe. But after he was come into Normandie,Wars betwixt the king and his brother. & had for|raied part of the countrie once or twice he fell to a parle with his brother duke Robert, & in the end con|descended to put the matter in compromise to the arbitrement of certeine graue persons, whose iudge|ment the king reiected, bicause they gaue not sen|tence on his side. Herevpon both parts prepared for war afresh, Matth. West. insomuch that the king perceiuing how his brother was aided by the French king, and that his power was too weake to withstand them both, he sent his commission into England for the leuieng of 20. thousand men, commanding that they should be sent ouer vnto him into Normandie by a daie, which was diligentlie performed. But as they were come togither about Hastings, readie to enter a shipboord, immediatlie commeth the kings lieutenant with a countermand, and signifieth to them, that the king minding to fauour and spare them for that iournie, would that euerie of them should giue him 10. shil|lings (as Matt. Paris hath, or 20. shillings as others haue) towards the charges of the war, and therevpon depart home with a sufficient safeconduct; which the most part were better content to doo, than to commit themselues to the fortune of the sea, and bloudie suc|cesse of the wars in Normandie. Polydor. In deed king Wil|liam changing his mind, was now determined to end the matter with monie, and not with the sword, as it afterward appeered: for by bribing of king Phi|lip,A peace con|cluded betwixt the king and his brother Robert. in whome duke Robert had reposed his whole trust, he concluded peace vpon such articles and con|ditions as he himselfe required.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hauing dispatched his businesse in Normandie, he returned into England, where he happened to méet with new and more dangerous wars: for the Welshmen hearing of the variance betwixt the bre|thren, Hen. Hunt. Simon Dun. The Welsh|men inuade England. after their accustomed maner begin to inuade the English marshes, taking booties of cattell, de|stroieng the countries, killing and spoiling many of the kings subiects, both English and Normans. Af|ter this (waxing proud of their good successe) they besieged the castell of Mountgomerie,The castell of Mountgome|ri [...] won by the Welshmen. where though the garison made stout resistance for a time, yet in the end the enimie finding shift to ouerthrow the walles, entred perforce, and slue all that they found within. Wherewith though king William was of|fended when he heard of it, yet could he not remedie the matter as then, Anno Reg. 8. 1095 being troubled with a conspiracie newlie kindled against him by Robert earle of Nor|thumberland,Robert earle of Northum|berland refu|seth to come to the king. who vpon displeasure conceiued a|gainst him (bicause he was not rewarded nor than|ked at his hands for his good seruice shewed in the killing of Malcolme king of Scotland) refused to come vnto him being sent for by letters, and here|with began to practise with certeine other Noble men of that countrie, how to depose king William. But yer he could bring anie peece of his purpose to passe, the king hauing aduertisement of his at|tempts, Matth. Paris. first appointed his brother the lord Henrie to go thither with an armie, and foorthwith foloweth himselfe; and comming to Newcastell, where the most part of his complices were assembled, he sur|prised them yer they could haue time to prouide for their safetie. That doone, he went to Tinmouth, and in the castell tooke the earles brother there, and af|ter came to Banbourgh castell, which the said earle with his wife and children did hold for their better safegard and defense.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Some authors write, Hen. Hunt. that when the king percei|ued it would be hard for him to win Banbourgh ca|stell (by reason of the great strength thereof) with|out famine, he builded vp an other castell or bastili|on fast by it, calling the same Maluoisin,Maluoisin a fortresse built against Ban|bourgh. wherein he placed a great power of men, by whose meanes at length the earle was so narrowlie driuen, that when he sought to haue escaped by night, he was espied, and therewith pursued so closelie by the kings soul|diers, that he was forced to take sanctuarie within the church of S. Oswins at Tinmouth, Polydor. from whence he was quicklie taken, and brought as prisoner to the kings presence. Notwithstanding, those that re|mained within the castell, vpon trust of the strength of that place, would not yeeld by anie meanes; but stood still to their tackling: whervpon the king caused the earle their maister to be brought foorth before the gates, and threatned that he should haue his eies put out, if they within did not streightwaies giue vp the hold into his hands. Herevpon it came to passe, that the castell was yéelded,Banbourgh yéelded to the king. and those that kept it were diuerslie punished, some by banishment, some by loo|sing their eares, & diuerse by the losse of their hands, EEBO page image 22 in example to others. The earle himselfe was conuei|ed to Windsor castell, and there committed to prison.

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