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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this sixt yeare there chanced such an excessiue raine, and such high flouds, the riuers ouerflowing the low grounds that lay néere vnto them, as the like had not béene seene of many yeares before; and after|wards insued a sudden frost, whereby the great streames were congeled in such sort, that at their dis|soluing or thawing, manie bridges both of wood and stone were borne downe, and diuerse water-milles rent vp and caried awaie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Furthermore, Polydor. king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, to liue in forreine countries, he published a proclamation, charging that no man should depart the realme without his licence and safe-conduct.A proclamati|on that none should depar [...] the realme. Hereof it is thought, that the custome rose of forbidding passage out of the realme, which oftentimes is vsed as a law, when occasion serueth. Soone after, he went against the Welshmen, whom he vanquished in battell néere to Brecknocke, and slue Rees their king, who had doone much hurt within the English borders, Ran. Higd. Rées king of Wales slaine. when he was their incamped. This Rise or Rées was the last king that reigned ouer the Welshmen, as au|thors affirme: for afterwards, though they often|times rebelled, yet the kings of England were repu|ted and taken as supreme gouernors of that part of the Iland. Moreouer, to haue the countrie the better in quiet, he did cut downe their woods, Wil. Thorne. and builded manie castels and piles in places conuenient, by meanes whereof they were somewhat tamed, and trained in due time to obedience, though not at the first, nor in the daies of sundrie of his successors.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hauing thus finished his iournie into Wales, Malcolme king of Scotland came vnto Glocester to sée the king,Malcolme king of Scots commeth to Glocester. Wil. Malm. Polydor. and to common with him of sundrie matters touching the peace betwixt both the realms, as he returned homewards: but bicause king Wil|liam disdained to enterteine him in such pompous maner as he expected and made account of; and for|somuch as he did not at the verie first admit him to his presence, the said Malcolme returned into Scot|land in great displeasure, and immediatlie raising a power, entred into England,K. Malcolme inuadeth England. destroieng the country vnto Alnewike castell, where he was so enuironed with an ambushment laid by Robert earle of Nor|thumberland, EEBO page image 21 that he and his eldest sonne Edward were slaine. At which mishap his whole host being vtterlie discomfited, fled out of the field, with the losse of manie, whereof some were slaine, and some taken by pursute. Simon Dun. Thus came king Malcolme to his end (by the iust prouidence of God) in that prouince which he had wasted and spoiled at fiue seuerall times, as first in the daies of king Edward, when earle Tostie was gone to Rome; the second time, in the daies of Wil|liam Conquerour, when he spoiled Cleueland; third|lie, in the same Conquerours daies, whilest bishop Walkher possessed the see of Durham, at what time all the countrie was spoiled and forraied, euen to the riuer of Tine; fourthlie, about the fourth or fift yeare of the reigne of this William Rufus, at which time he entered the land as farre as Chester in the stréet, whilest king William was in Normandie; the fift time was now, when he lost his life on saint Brices day, by the hands of a verie valiant knight named Morkell. King Malcolme being thus surprised by death, his bodie was buried at Tinmouth (as in the Scotish histories more plainelie appeareth) where al|so ye may find, how the sonnes of king Malcolme were aided by king William Rufus to obteine the crowne of Scotland, wherevnto they were interes|sed; whereas otherwise by the force and practise of their vncle Donald they had béene kept from the scepter and crowne of the kingdome.

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