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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Toward the end whereof, and vpon the fift daie of October, a maruellous sore tempest fell in sundrie parts of England, but especiallie in the towne of Winchcombe, where (by force of thunder and light|ning) a part of the steeple of the church was throwne downe, and the crucifix with the image of Marie standing vnder the rood-lost, was likewise ouer|throwne, broken, and shattered in péeces; then fo|lowed a foule, a noisome, and a most horrible stinke in the church. On the 17. daie of the same moneth much harme was doone in London with an outragi|ous wind,A mightie wind. the violence whereof ouerturned and rent in péeces aboue fiue hundred houses, at which time and tempest the roofe of S. Marie bowe church in cheape was also ouerthrowne, wherewith two men were slaine. Moreouer, at Salisburie much hurt was doone with the like wind and thunder, Anno Reg. 5. 1092 for the top of the stéeple and manie buildings besides were sore shaken and cast downe. But now we will speake somewhat of the doings of Scotland, as occasion moueth. Whilest (as yée haue heard) variance depen|ded betweene king William and his brother duke Robert, the Scotish king Malcolme made sore wars vpon the inhabitants of Northumberland,The Scots inuade Eng|land. carrieng great booties and preies out of that countrie, which he inuaded euen to Chester in the street. Wherefore king William, soone after his returne, gathered his power togither, and sped him northwards. But king Malcolme hearing of his puissance & great strength sent to him for peace, which was granted in the end.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Some writers affirme, that king William prepa|red a great armie both by sea and land against Mal|colme; Wil. Malm. Sim. Dun. and that his nauie being abroad on the seas, was lost by tempest, and the most part of his ships drowned; that the armie by land entring into Scot|land, suffered manie damages through want of vit|tels, and so recoiled: finallie, that duke Robert lieng on the borders with an armie in his brothers name (wherby it should appeare that the king himselfe was not there) by the helpe and furtherance of Edgar E|theling, who then serued K. Malcolme in his wars, concluded a peace betwixt his brother and the said Malcolme, vpon certeine articles, by vertue wherof certeine places in Northumberland were restored vnto Malcolme, which he had held in William Con|querours daies. Some other write in like maner, that king Malcolme did homage to king William and duke Robert that brought the said Edgar Ethe|ling into the fauour of the king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Howsoeuer the truth of the storie dooth stand in this behalfe, certeine it is, that the king returned out of Northumberland into the west parts of the realme, reteining still with him duke Robert, who looked dailie when he should performe such coue|nants as were concluded vpon betwixt them in their late reconciliation. But when he saw that the king meant nothing lesse than to stand to those arti|cles, and how he did onlie protract and delaie the time for some other secret purpose, he returned into Nor|mandie in great displeasure, and tooke with him the said Edgar Etheling, of whom he alwaies made ve|rie great account. Soone after king William re|turned into the north parts, and (as it chanced) he staied a few daies about Carleil, where being deli|ted with the situation of the towne (which had beene destroied by the Danes two hundred yeares before) he set workemen to repaire the same (meaning to vse it in steed of a bulworke against the Scots on those west borders) which when he had fensed with walles,The repai|ring and new peopling of Carleil. and builded a castell in the most conuenient place thereof, he caused churches and houses to be e|rected for the benefit of such people as he had deter|mined to bring vnto the same. This being doone, he placed a colonie of southren men there with their wiues and children, and gaue large priuileges vnto the towne, which they inioy at this daie.

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