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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Duke Robert being thus animated on all sides, and yet wanting sufficient monie to the furniture of this iournie, engaged a portion of his duchie of Nor|mandie, as the countie of Constantine to his yoon|gest brother Henrie, for a great sum of gold, and ther|with returned answer to the foresaid bishop, that he should prouide and looke for him vpon the south coast of England, at a certeine time appointed. Herevp|on Odo fortified the castell of Rochester, & began to make sore wars against the kings friends in Kent:The castell of Rochester. he procured others of the complices also to do the like in other parts of the realme; and first on the west part of England, where Geffrey bishop of Constans wi [...]h his nephue Robert de Mowbray earle of Nor|thumberland setting foorth from Bristow, Simon Dun. Wil. Malm. The bishop of Constance ta|keth the town of Bath. came to|ward Bath, which towne they tooke and sacked, and likewise Berkley, with a great part of Wiltshire, and brought the spoile and booties backe to Bristow, where they had a castell stronglie fortified for their more safetie. In like maner Roger de Byg [...]d, de|parting from Norwich, with great forraies ouer|rode and robbed all the countries about,Hugh Grand|mesnill. Hen. Hunt. Wil. Mal. The earle of Shrewsburie and conuei|ed such riches as he had gotten into the said citie. In like sort did Hugh de Grandmesnill at Leiceister, spoiling and wasting all the countries about him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Shrewsburie called Roger de Mount|gomerie, with a power of Welshmen set foorth from Shrewsburie, and with him were William bishop of Durham the kings houshold chapline, Barnard of Newmerch, Roger Lacie, and Rafe Mortimer, (all Normans or Frenchmen) who ioyning their po|wers togither, inuaded the countrie, and with fire and sword did much hurt where they came, killing and taking a great number of people. Afterwards comming to Worcester, they assaulted the citie, o|uerran the suburbs, & set the same on fire. But the ci|tizens shutting fast the gates of their citie (though with the sudden comming of the enimies they were somewhat afraid) made valiant resistance:Wo [...]cester assalted. and con|ueieng their goods, their wiues, and their children in|to the castell, got them to the walles and places of defense, to repell & beat backe the enimies. Among them in the towne was bishop Woolstan,Bishop Wool|stan. whom the citizens would haue compelled to go into the castell for his su [...]er safegard, but he refused it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At length it chanced that the enimies (continuing the said siege) b [...]gan to wax negligent, and ranged abroad in the countrie, little regarding watch and ward about their campe, wherevpon the English within the citie tooke this oportunitie, being mooued thereto with the comfortable exhortation of bishop Woolstan, and sailing foorth of the towne did set on their enimies with great fiercenes, whome they got at such aduantage, that they slue and tooke that daie aboue fiue M. men (as Henrie of Huntingdon re|cordeth.They slue fiue hundred, and chased the re|sidue as saith Simon Dunel.) For the English bearing a continuall ma|lice in their hearts against the French and Nor|mans, did now their best to be fullie reuenged of them, vpon so conuenient an occasion offered. Those that escaped by flight, hid themselues in the next townes, making such shifts for their liues as the pre|sent necessitie could minister.

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