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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But to procéed & come, a little after the temporals dealing, to some of the spirituall affaires. It hapned about the same time, that when king William had finished the rating of his subiects, that there rose a strife betwixt Thurstane abbat of Glastenburie a Norman, and the moonkes of that house. Anno Reg. 18. 1084 One cause thereof was, Wil. Malm. Simon Dun. Thurstan ab|bat of Gla|stenburie. William of Fescampe. for that the abbat would haue compel|led them to haue left the plaine song or note for the seruice which pope Gregorie had set foorth, and to haue vsed an other kind of tune deuised by one Wil|liam of Fescampe: beside this, the said abbat spent and wasted the goods that belonged to the house, in riot, leacherie, and by such other insolent meanes (withdrawing also from the moonkes their old accu|stomed allowance of diet) for the which they first fell at altercation in words, and afterwards to fighting. The abbat got armed men about him, Hen. Hunt. Wil. Malm. haue two slaine & xiiij. hurt. and falling vpon the moonkes, slue thrée of them at the high altar, and wounded xviij. Howbeit the moonkes for their parts plaied the pretie men with formes and candelsticks, defending themselues as well as they might, Matt. Westm. so that they hurt diuers of the abbats adhe|rents, and droue them out of the quier.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the end, complaint hereof was brought to the king, by whose iudgement the matter was so orde|red, that Thurstane lost his roome, and returned vnto Caen in Normandie from whence he came, and the moonkes were spred abroad into diuerse hou|ses of religion through the realme, Glastenburie be|ing replenished with more quiet persons, and such as were supposed readier to praie than to quarell, as the other did: yet is it said, that in the time of Wil|liam Rufus this Thurstane obteined the rule of that abbeie againe for fiue hundred pounds.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There be which write, that the numbring of men and of places, the valuation of goods and substance, Sim. Dunel. Hen. Marle. Matth. Paris. as well in cattell as readie monie, was not taken till about the xix. yéere of this kings reigne (although the subsidie afore mentioned was gathered about two yeares before of euerie hide of land as yée haue heard) and that the certificat hereof being inrolled, was put into the kings treasurie at Winchester, Hen. Marle. Anno Reg. 19. Simon Dun. in the xix. yeare of his reigne, and not in the xvj. But in what yeare soeuer it was, and howsoeuer the wri|ters agrée or disagree herein; certaine it is, that the same was exacted, to the great gréefe and impoue|rishment of the people, who sore lamented the mise|rable EEBO page image 14 estate whereinto they were brought, and hated the Normans in their harts to the verie death. How|beit, Polydor. Matth. Paris. the more they grudged at such tolles, tallages, customes, and other impositions wherewith they were pressed; the more they were charged and ouer|pressed. The Normans on the other side with their king perceiuing the hatred which the English bare them,The Conque|rour seeketh to kéepe the En|glish men low. were sore offended, and therefore sought by all meanes to kéepe them vnder. Such as were called to be iustices, were enimies to all iustice; whervpon greater burdens were laid vpon the English, inso|much that after they had béene robbed and spoiled of their goods, Polydor. they were also debarred of their accusto|med games and pastimes. For where naturallie (as they doo vnto this daie) they tooke great pleasure in hunting of déere, both red and fallow, in the woods and forrests about without restraint,The forrests seized into the kings hands. Matth. Paris. king William seizing the most part of the same forrests into his owne hands, appointed a punishment to be executed vpon all such offendors; namelie, to haue their eies put out. And to bring the greater number of men in danger of those his penall lawes (a pestilent policie of a spitefull mind, and sauoring altogither of his French slauerie) he deuised meanes how to bréed, nourish, and increase the multitude of déere, and al|so to make roome for them in that part of the realme which lieth betwixt Salisburie and the sea south|ward: he pulled downe townes, villages, churches, & other buildings for the space of 30. miles, to make thereof a forrest,New forrest. which at this daie is called New for|rest. The people as then sore bewailed their distres, & greatlie lamented that they must thus leaue house & home to the vse of sauage beasts. Which crueltie, not onelie mortall men liuing here on earth, but also the earth it selfe might seeme to detest, Matth. Paris. An earth|quake. as by a woonder|full signification it séemed to declare, by the shaking and roaring of the same, which chanced about the 14. yeare of his reigne (as writers haue recorded.) There be that suppose how the king made that part of the realme waste and barren vpon a policie, Polydor. to the in|tent that if his chance were to be expelled by ciuill wars, & he compelled to leaue the land, there should be no inhabitants in that part of the Ile to resist his arriuall vpon his new returne.

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