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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The yeare 1074. thrée moonks of the prouince of Mercia, purposing to restore religion after their ma|ner within the prouince of Northumberland, came into Yorke, and required of Hugh Fitz Baldricke (then shirife of the shire) to haue safe conduct vnto Monkaster,Mount ca|ster now Newcastell. which afterwards hight Newcastell, and so is called to this day. These moonks, whose names were Aldwin, Alswin, and Remfred, comming vn|to the foresaid place, found no token or remanent of any religious persons, which sometime had habitati|on there (for all was defaced and gone:) wherevpon, after they had remained there a while, they remooued to Iarrowe, where finding the ruines of old decaied buildings and churches, perteining in times past to the moonks that there inhabited, they had such assis|tance at the hands of Walkher bishop of Durham, that at length, by the diligent trauell and sute of these moonks, three monasteries were newlie founded and erected in the north parts, one at Durham, an other at Yorke, and the third at Whitby. For you must consider, that by the inuasion of the Danes, the churches and monasteries throughout Northumber|land were so wasted and ruinated, that a man could scarselie find a church standing in all that countrie, as for those that remained, they were couered with broome or thatch: but as for any abbey or monaste|rie, not one was left in all the countrie, neither did any man (for the space of two hundred yeares) take care for the repairing or building vp of any thing in decaie, so that the people of that countrie wist not what a moonke ment, and if they saw any, they woon|dered at the strangenesse of the sight.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest the king remained thus in Normandie, Anno Reg. 9. 1075 Roger earle of Hereford (contrarie to the kings mind and pleasure) married his sister vnto Rafe earle of Cambridge,Rafe Earle of Cambridge. Matth. West. Matth. Paris. Hen. Hunt. Simon Dun. A rebellion raised against K. William. or (as other haue) Northfolke, and withall began a new conspiracie against him. Amongst other also of the associats, earle Walteof the sonne of earle Siward was one, who afterward mistrusting the successe of this deuise, first vttered it to archbishop Lanfranke, and by his aduice sailed ouer into Normandie, and there disclosed the whole matter to king William: but in the meane time, the other two earles; namelie, Hereford and Cambridge had so farre procéeded in the matter, that they were vp in armour. Howbeit, Wolstan bishop of Wor|cester, and Egelwine abbat of Euesham, with the shirife of Worcester & Walter Lacie, so resisted the earle of Hereford, that he could not passe the Se|uerne to ioine with the earle of Cambridge. On the other side, Iohn Pike. Odo the bishop of Bayeux, and Geffrey the bishop of Constances pursued the earle of Cam|bridge so narrowlie with an other armie, which they had gathered of the English and Normans, that they constreined him to flée into Britaine, whereby the re|bellion was verie much appeased.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 10. 1076In the meane time, the king vnderstanding by earle Walteof how the matter went in England, came ouer with all spéed out of Normandie, & within a short space brought the residue of the conspirators into such a feare, that they were scattered and put to flight, without attempting anie further exploit or conspiracie against him. Manie of them also were apprehended and put to death, among whom Roger and Walteof were most famous. And though Wal|teof (as yée haue heard before) disclosed the treason, H. Hunt. Earle Walte|of beheaded. yet to the end he should offend no more hereafter, he was beheaded at Winchester by the kings com|mandement, and his bodie hauing béene first buried in the same place where he suffered, was after con|ueied vnto Crowland, and there more honorablie in|terred.

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