Compare 1577 edition: 1 He heard also, how Edgar Etheling at the same time, being in the countrie, riding abroad with a troope of horsemen, and hearing of the discomfiture of those Normans, pursued them egerlie, and slue great numbers of them, as they were about to saue themselues by flight, Polydor. with which newes being in no small furie, be made speed forward, and comming at the last into Northumberland, he easilie vanquished the foresaid rebels, and putting the cheefe authors of this mutinie to death, he reserued some of the rest as captiues, and of other some he caused the hands to be chopped off in token of their inconstancie and rebelli|ous dealing. After this, he came to Yorke, and there in like sort punished those that had aided Ed|gar, which doone, he returned to London.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, those Englishmen that were fled (as you haue heard) into Denmarke, by continu|all sute made to Sueine then king of that realme,Swetne and Osborne hath Matth. Paris. to procure him to make a iournie into England for recouerie of the right descended to him from his an|cestors, at length obteined their purpose, in so much that king Sueine sent his sonnes Harold and Ca|nutus toward England, who with a nauie of two hundred saile,Thrée hun|dred sailes saith M. W. but Sim. Dun. hath 240. in the companie of Osborne their vn|cle, arriued in the mouth of Humber betwéene the two later ladie daies, and there landing their people with the English outlawes, whom they had brought with them, they straightwaies marched towards Yorke, wasting and spoiling the countrie with great crueltie as they passed. Soone after also came Ed|gar, and such other English exiles as had before fled into Scotland, and ioined their forces with them. When the newes of these things were brought to Yorke, the people there were striken with a maruel|lous feare, insomuch that Aeldred the archbishop (through verie greefe and anguish of mind) departed this life. The Normans also which laie there in gar|rison, after they vnderstood by their spies that the eni|mies were come within two daies iournie of them, began not a little to mistrust the faith of the citi|zens, and bicause the suburbes should not he any aid EEBO page image 7 vnto them, they set fire on the same, which by the hugenesse of the wind that suddenlie arose, the flame became so big, and mounted such a height, that it caught the citie also, and consumed a great part ther|of to ashes,Yorke burnt. togither with the minster of S. Peter, and a famous librarie belonging to the same. Here|vpon the Normans and citizens in like maner were constreined to issue foorth at the same time, and being vpon the enimies before they had any knowledge of their approch, were forced to trie the matter by disordered battell: whose number though it was far inferiour vnto theirs, yet they valiantlie defended themselues for a time, till being oppressed with mul|titudes, they were ouercome and slaine, so that there perished in this conflict, to the number of three thou|sand of them.Normans slaine. Manie of the Englishmen also that came with them to the field, were saued by the eni|mies, to the end they might gaine somewhat by their ransomes, as William Mallet shirife of the shire, with his wife, Simon Dun. and two of their children, Gilbert de Gaunt, and diuers other. This slaughter chanced on a saturdaie, being the nineteenth day of Septem|ber; a dismall daie to the Normans.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The two brethren hauing thus obteined this victo|rie, went on further into the countrie of Northum|berland, and brought the same wholie to their subiecti|on, insomuch that all the north parts were at their cõmandement. Upon this they meant to haue gone towards London with the like attempt in the south parts, if the extreame and hard winter which chanced that yeare,A sharpe win|ter, an enimie to warlike en|terprises. had not staied their enterprise, as it did king William from assailing them; who hearing of all their dooings in the north countrie, would else full gladlie haue set vpon them. In the meane time, the Danes wintered in Yorkeshire,The Danes where they wintered. Hen. Hunt. Polydor. betwixt the two ri|uers Ouse and Trent; but so soone as the snow be|gan to melt, and the yce to thaw and waste away, king William sped him with great hast toward his enimies into Yorkeshire, and comming to the riuer of Trent, where it falleth into Humber, he pitched his tents there, to refresh his people, for his enimies were at hand. The daie following he brought his ar|mie into the field to fight with the Danish princes, who likewise in battell araie met them. Then began a right sore and terrible battell, continuing a long space in equall balance, till at length in one of the Danish wings the Norman horsemen had put their enimies to flight. Which when the residue of the Danes perceiued, and therewith put in a sudden feare, they likewise fled. Harold and Canutus with a band of hardie souldiers that tarried about them, retired backe (though with much a doo and great dan|ger) vnto their ships. Edgar also, by helpe of good horses, escaped into Scotland with a few in his com|panie. Earle Walteof, who had fought most manful|lie in that battell, Matth. Paris. & slaine manie Normans with his owne hands, Hen. Hunt. was reconciled into the kings fauour: but the residue were for the most part taken priso|ners, Wil. Malm. and killed. William of Malmesburie writeth, that king William comming at that time into the north parts, besieged the citie of Yorke, and putting to flight a great armie of his enimies that came to the succour of them within, not without great losse of his owne souldiers, at length the citie was deliue|red into his hands; the citizens and other that kept it, as Scots, Danes, and Englishmen, being constrei|ned thereto through lacke of vittels. Sim. Dunel. Other write, how the Danes, being loden with riches and spoiles gotten in the countrie, departed to their ships before the comming of king William. Here is not to be forgotten,Earle Ed|wines lands giuen vnto A|lane earle of Britaine. that (as Iohn Leland hath noted) whilest the Conquerour held siege before Yorke, at the ear|nest request of his wife Quéene Maud, he aduanced his nephew Alane earle of Britaine, with the gift of all those lands that sometime belonged vnto earle Edwine, the tenor of which gift insueth:
Ego Gulihelmus cognomine Bastardus, do & concedo tibi nepoti meo Alano Britanniae comiti, & haeredibus tuis in perpetuum, omnes illas villas & terras, quae nuper fuerunt comitis Eadwini in Eborashira, cum feodis militum & alijs libertatibus & consuetudinibus, ita liberè & honorificè sicut idem Eadwinus ea tenuit. Dat. in obsidione coram ciuitate Eboraci: that is, I William surnamed Bastard, doo giue and grant to thee my nephue Alane earle of Britaine, and to thine heires for euer, all those townes & lands that latelie were earle Eadwines in Yorkeshire, with the knights fees and other liberties and customes, so freelie and honourablie as the said Eadwine held the same. Giuen in our seege before the citie of Yorke.