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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When king William had set all things in order through the most part of the realme, he deliuered the guiding thereof vnto his brother Odo, Sim. Dunel. the bishop of Bayeux, and his coosine William Fits Osborne, whom he had made erle of Hereford.King William goeth ouer in|to Normandy Hen. Hun [...]. Polychron. Sim. Dun. In Lent follo|wing he sailed into Normandie, leading with him the pledges, and other of the chéefest lords of the En|glish nation: among whom, the two earles Edwine and Marchar, Stigand the archbishop, Edgar Ethe|ling, Walteof sonne to Siward sometime duke of Northumberland, and Agelnothus the abbat of Gla|stenburie were the most famous. Soone after his departing,Edricke Syl+uaticus. Edricke surnamed Syluaticus, sonne to Alfricke that was brother to Edricke de Streona, refusing to submit himselfe vnto the king, rebelled and rose against such as he had left in his absence to gouerne the land. Wherevpon those that laie in the castell of Hereford,Richard Fits Scroope. as Richard Fitz Scroope and o|thers, did oftentimes inuade his lands, and wasted the goods of his farmors and tenants: but yet so of|ten as they attempted, to inuade him they lost ma|nie of their owne souldiers and men of war. Moreo|uer, the said Edricke calling to his aid the kings of the Welshmen, Bleothgent and Rithwall, about the feast of the assumption of our Ladie, wasted the countrie of Hereford, euen to the bridge of the riuer of Wye, and obteined out of those quarters a mar|uellous great spoile.The riuer of Wye. King William returneth into England. In the winter also following, and after king William had disposed his busines in Normandie, he returned into England, and euen then began to handle the Englishmen somewhat sharpelie, supposing thereby to kéepe them the more easil [...]e vnder his obedience. He also tooke awaie from diuerse of the Nobilitie, and others of the bet|ter sort, all their liuings, and gaue the same to his Normans. Moreouer, H. Hun [...]. he raised great taxes and sub|sidies through the realme: nor any thing regarded th'English Nobilitie, so that they who before thought themselues to be made for euer by bringing a stran|ger into the realme, doo now sée themselues troden vnder foot, to be despised, and to be mocked on all sides, Matth. Paris. insomuch that many of them were constrei|ned (as it were for a further testimonie of seruitude and bondage) to shaue their beards, to round their heare, and to frame themselues as well in apparell as in seruice and diet at their tables after the Nor|man manner, verie strange and farre differing from the ancient customes and old vsages of their countrie. Others vtterlie refusing to susteine such an intollerable yoke of thral [...]me as was dailie laid vpon them by the Normans, chose rather to leaue all both goods and lands, & after the maner of outlawes, got them to the woods, with their wiues, children, and seruants,Englishmen withdraw them to the woods as out|lawes. meaning from thencefoorth wholie to liue vpon the spoile of the countries adioining, and to take whatsoeuer came next to hand. Wherevpon it came to passe within a while, that no man might trauell in safetie from his owne house or towne to his next neighbors, and euery quiet and honest mans house became as it were an hold or fortresse furni|shed for defense with bowes and arrowes, bils, pol|axes, swords, clubs and staues, and other weapons; the doores kept locked and stronglie boulted in the night season, for feare to be surprised as it had beene in time of open warre, and amongst publike eni|mies. Praiers were said also by the maister of the EEBO page image 6 house, as though they had beene in the middest of the seas in some stormie tempest, and when the win|dowes or doores should be shut in and closed, they v|sed to saie Benedicite, and others to answer, Dominus, in like sort as the preest and his penitent were woont to doo at confession in the church.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Notwithstanding all this, K. William sought to tame & vanquish those of the English Nobilitie, who would not be at his becke. They againe on the other side made themselues strong, the better to resist him, choosing for their chéefe capteines and leaders, the earles Edwine & Edgar Etheling, who valiantlie resisted the Normans, and slue many of them with great rage and crueltie. And as they thus procéeded in their matters, king William being a politike prince, forward and painefull in his businesse, suffe|red them not altogither to escape cléere awaie, but did sore annoy and put them off to remediles losses, though he abode in the meane time many laborious iournies, slaughters of his people, and damages of his person. Herevpon the English Nobilitie euer after, yea in time of peace, were hated of the king and his Normans, and at length were kept so short, that being mooued partlie with disdaine, and partlie with dread, Polydor. Anno Reg. 2. Matth. Paris. Matth. West. Diuers of the English No|bilitie forsake their natiue countrie. they got them out of the realme, some into Scotland, some into Denmarke, others into Norway; and among these, the two earles Edwine and Marchar, with certeine bishops & others of the cleargie, besides manie also of the temporaltie, es|caped into Scotland. Marleswine & Gospatricke, with a great number of other the Nobles of Nor|thumberland, Edgar Ethling with his mother A|gatha, and his sisters Christine and Margaret, chan|ced also to be driuen into Scotland by tempest, as they sailed towards the coasts of Germanie, purpo|sing to haue returned into Hungarie, where the said Edgar was borne: howbeit being arriued in Scot|land, he found so friendlie entertainment there, that finallie Malcolme the third then king of that realme, tooke his sister Margaret to wife, and Christine be|came a nunne, as in the Scotish chronicles more plainelie dooth appéere. Polydor. King William héereby per|ceiuing daily how vnwilling the Englishmen were to be vnder his obeisance, was in feare of rebellious commotions; and therfore to subdue them the better, he builded foure castels,Two at York, wherein he left fiue hun|dred men in garrison. Simon Dun. one at Notingham, another at Lincolne, the third at Yorke, and the fourth néere vnto Hastings, where he landed at his first com|ming into England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, to reduce the English people the sooner vnto obedience and awe, he tooke from them all their armour and weapons.The Conque|ror taketh frõ the English|men their ar|mour. He ordeined also that the maister of euerie houshold about eight of the clocke in the euening, should cause his fire to be raked vp in a [...]hes, his lights to be put out, and then go to bed. Besides this, to the end that euerie man might haue knowledge of the houre to go to rest, he gaue order, that in all cities, townes, and villages, where anie church was, there should a bell be roong at the said houre, which custome is still vsed euen vnto this daie, and commonlie called by the French word, Couer few first instituted. Couer few, that is, Rake vp the fier.

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