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Compare 1577 edition: 1 For the computation of the yeares of the world, I had by Maister Wolfes aduise followed Functius; but after his deceasse, M. W. H. made me partaker of a Chrono|logie, which he had gathered and compiled with most exquisit diligence, following Ge|rardus Mercator, and other late Chronologers, and his owne obseruations, according to the which I haue reformed the same. As for the yeares of our Lord, and the kings, I haue set them downe according to such authors as seeme to be of best credit in that behalfe, as I doubt not but to the learned and skilfull in histories it shall appeare. More|ouer, this the reader hath to consider, that I doo begin the yeare at the natiuitie of our Lord, which is the surest order (in my fansie) that can be followed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For the names of persons, townes, and places, as I haue beene diligent to reforme the errours of other (which are to be ascribed more to the vnperfect copies than to the authors) so may it be that I haue some-where committed the like faults, either by neg|ligence or want of skill to restore them to their full integritie as I wished. But what I haue performed, aswell in that behalfe as others, the skilfull reader shall easily perceiue, EEBO page image 7 and withall consider (I trust) what trauell I haue bestowed to his behoofe in this huge volume; crauing onelie, that in recompense thereof he will iudge the best, and to make a freendlie construction of my meaning, where ought may seeme to haue escaped my pen or the printers presse, otherwise than we could haue wished for his better satisfacti|on. Manie things being taken out as they lie in authors, may be thought to giue of|fense in time present, which referred to the time past when the author writ, are not one|lie tollerable, but also allowable. Therefore (good reader) I beseech thee to weigh the causes and circumstances of such faults and imperfections, and consider that the like may creepe into a far lesse volume than this, and shew me so much fauour as hath beene shewed to others in like causes. And sithens I haue doone my good will, accept the same, as I with a free and thankefull mind doo offer it thee; so shall I thinke my labour well bestowed. For the other histories, which are alreadie collected, if it please God to giue abilitie, shall in time come to light, with some such breefe descriptions of the for|ren regions whereof they treat, as may the better suffice to the readers contentation, and vnderstanding of the matters conteined in the same histories, reduced into abridgements out of their great volumes. And thus I ceasse further to trouble thy pa|tience, wishing to thee (gentle reader) so much profit, as by reading may be had, and as great comfort as Gods ho|lie spirit may endue thee with.

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The politike Conquest of William the first.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THis William Duke of Nor|mandie, Anno. 1. base son of Robert the sixt Duke of Nor|mandie, and ne|phew vnto Ed|ward King of England, surna|med the Confes|sor, hauing van|quished the Eng|lish power, and slaine Harold in the field (as you may read at large towards the end of the historie of England) began his reigne ouer England the xv. daie of October being sundaie, in the yeare after the creation of the world 5033. (as W. Harison gathereth) and after the birth of our Saui|our 1066. which was in the tenth yeare of the empe|rour Henrie the fourth, in the sixt of pope Alexander the second, in the sixt of Philip king of France, and a|bout the tenth of Malcolme the third, surnamed Ca|moir, king of Scotland.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the computation of the yeares of the vvorlde, I hadde by Maiſter VVoulfes aduiſe follovved Functius, but after his deceaſſe Maiſter VVilliam Hariſon made mee partaker of a Chronologie, vvhiche hee had gathered and compiled vvith moſte exquiſite diligence, follovvyng Gerardus Mercator, and other late Chronologers, and his ovvne obſeruations, according to the vvhiche I haue reformed the ſame. As for the yeares of our Lorde, and the Kings, I haue ſette them dovvne accordyng to ſuche Authours as ſeeme to bee of beſte EEBO page image 6 credite in that behalfe, as I doubte not but to the learned and skilfull in Hiſtories, it ſhal appeare Moreouer, this the Reader hath to conſider, that I do beginne the yeare at the natiuitie of our Lorde, vvhiche is the ſureſt order in my fantaſie that can bee follovved.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the names of perſons, tovvnes and places, as I haue bene diligent to reforme the errours of other (vvhich are to be aſcribed more to the imperfect copies thã to the Authours) ſo may it be that I haue ſomevvhere committed the like faultes, either by negligence or vvant of skill to reſtore them to their full integritie as I vviſhed, but vvhat I haue performed aſvvell in that behalfe, as others, the skilful Reader ſhall ea|ſily perceyue, and vvithal cõſider (I truſt) vvhat trauel I haue beſtovved to his behofe in theſe tvvo volumes, crauing onely, that in recompence thereof, he vvill iudge the beſt, and to make a frendly cõſtruction of my meanings, vvhere ought may ſeeme to haue eſcaped, either my penne or the Printers preſſe, othervviſe than vve could haue vviſhed for his better ſatisfaction. Many things being taken out as they lie in Au|thours may be thought to giue offence in time preſent, vvhiche referred to the time paſt vvhen the Authour vvritte, are not onely tollerable but alſo allovvable. There|fore good Reader I beſeech thee to vvay the cauſes and circumſtances of ſuch faultes and imperfections, and conſider that the like may creepe into a far leſſe volume than this, and ſhevv me ſo much fauour as hath bene ſhevved to others in like cauſes: and ſithẽce I haue done my good vvil, accept the ſame, as I vvith a free and thãkful minde do offer it thee, ſo ſhall I thinke my labour vvell beſtovved. For the other Hiſtories vvhiche are already collected, if it pleaſe God to giue abilitie, ſhall in time come to light, vvith ſome ſuch briefe deſcriptions of the forreyn regions, vvhere|of they treate, as may the better ſuffiſe to the Readers contentation, and vnderſtanding of the maters conteyned in the ſame Hiſtories, reduced into abridgements out of their great volumes. And thus I ceaſſe further to trouble thy pacience, vviſh|ing to thee (gentle Reader) ſo much profite, as by reading may be had, and as great cõ|fort as Goddes holy ſpirite may endue thee vvith.

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¶The names of the Authours from whome this Historie of England is collected.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • AElius Spartianus.
  • Aelius Lampridius.
  • Aſſerius Meneuenſis.
  • Alfridus Beuerlacenſis.
  • Aeneas Siluius Senenſis.
  • Auentinus.
  • Adam Merimowth, with additions.
  • Antoninus Archiepiſcopus Florentinus.
  • Albertus Crantz.
  • Alexander Neuill.
  • Arnoldus Ferronius.
  • Annius Viterbienſis.
  • Amianus Marcellinus.
  • Alliances genealogiques des Roys & Princes de France.
  • Annales D Aquitaine per Iean Bouchet.
  • Annales de Bourgoigne per Guilaume Paradin.
  • Annales de France per Nicol Giles.
  • Annales rerum Flandricarũ per Iacobum Meir.
  • Antonius Sabellicus.
  • Antonius Nebricenſis.
  • Aurea Hiſtoria.