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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Charts, wherein Maister Wolfe spent a great part of his time, were not found so complet as we wished: and againe, vnderstanding of the great charges and notable enterprise of that worthie Gentleman maister Thomas Sackford, in procuring the Charts of the seuerall prouinces of this realme to be set foorth, we are in hope that in time he will delineate this whole land so perfectlie, as shall be comparable or beyond anie delineation heretofore made of anie other region; and therefore leaue that to his well deserued praise. If any well willer will imitate him in so praiseworthie a worke for the two other regions, we will be glad to further his endeuour with all the helpes we may.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The histories I haue gathered according to my skill, and conferred the grea|test part with Maister Wolfe in his life time, to his liking, who procured me so manie helpes to the furtherance thereof, that I was loth to omit anie thing that might increase the readers knowledge, which causeth the booke to grow so great. But receiuing them by parts, and at seuerall times (as I might get them) it may be, that hauing had more regard to the matter than the apt penning, I haue not so orderlie disposed them, as otherwise I ought; choosing rather to want order, than to defraud the reader of that which for his further vnderstanding might seeme to satisfie his expectation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 I therefore most humblie beseech your Honour to accept these Chronicles of England vnder your protection, and according to your wisedome and accusto|med benignitie to beare with my faults; the rather, bicause you were euer so e|speciall good Lord to Maister Wolfe, to whom I was singularlie be|holden; and in whose name I humblie present this rude worke vn|to you; beseeching God, that as he hath made you an instru|ment to aduance his truth, so it may please him to in|crease his good gifts in you, to his glorie, the fur|therance of the Queenes Maiesties ser|uice, and the comfort of all hir faithfull and louing subiects.

Your Honours most humble to be commanded, RAPHAEL HOLINSHED.

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