With a third table (peculiarlie seruing this third volume) both of names and matters memorable.
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Front Matter: Section 2 of
3: TO THE Right Honorable and his singular good Lord, Sir William Cecill, Baron of Burghleygh, Knight of the
most noble order of the Garter, Lord high Treasu|rer of England, Maister of the Courts of Wards and
Liueries, and one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie Councell.
Snippet: 1 of 5 (1587, Volume 6, p. 2) TO THE Right Honorable and his singular good Lord, Sir William Cecill, Baron of Burghleygh, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Lord high Treasu|rer of England, Maister of the Courts of Wards and Liueries, and one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie Councell.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _COnsidering with my selfe, right Hono|rable and my singular good Lord, how redie (no doubt) manie will be to accuse me of vaine presumption, for enterprising to deale in this so weightie a worke, and so far aboue my reach to accomplish: I haue thought good to aduertise your Honour, by what occasion I was first induced to vndertake the same, al|though the cause that moued me thereto hath (in part) yer this beene signified vnto your good Lordship.