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  • YOrke yéelded to Octauius, 73, b 50. Besieged, 101, b 50. ¶ Sée Scots.
  • Yorke in possession of Hengist, 96, a 10
  • Yorkeswold wasted by the Scots, 224, a 60
  • Youth trained vp in hardnesse, 137, a 60, Should eate but one meale a daie, 50
FINIS propositi laus Christo nescia FINIS.
EEBO page image 761

Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Hari|son, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Tho|mas Woodcocke.

[figure appears here on page 761]

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