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  • WAll Roger his words of the duke of Summerset, 435, a 10
  • Wallase William beginneth to wax famous, 209, a 20. Win|neth castels, &c: 209, a 60, His policie to relieue the people in the time of derth, b 40. Inua|deth Northumberland, 50. His answer to the king of Englands message, 60. En|tred England with an armie of 30000 men, 210, a 20. He is enuied, 40. Raiseth a power to resist the king of England, 50. Conferénce betwéene him and Bruse, b 40. Refuseth the offers of king Edward, 212, a 50. Escheweth to agrée with the Englishmen, 213, a 20. Is taken, brought to Lon|don and put to death: note, 214, a 10, 20
  • Walter the son of Fleance high steward of Scotland, 178, a 60
  • Wanthop archbishop of Arma|cham, 355, a 50
  • Warke castell besieged, 361, a 10 Assalted, 311, a 50, 60. Woone, 279, a 10
  • Warre without slaughter and burning, 123, b 60. Continuall in Scotland what calamitie it caused, 237, b 10. Ciuill and what mischéefes insue, 162, a 10. The frutes thereof, 160, b 50. ¶ Sée Battell, Commo|tion, and Uictorie.
  • Warning of a yoong babe to his mother: note, 137, a 10. Of some great mischance, 300, a 60
  • Welshmen rebelling against the Romans brought to their for|mer obedience, 64, b 60. Sub|dued by Henrie the fift, 258, a 40
  • Welth superfluous occasion of vice, 90, b 10
  • West doctor ambassador into Scotland, 295, a 60
  • Westmerland why so named, 52, b 60, 53. a 10, Assigned to the Scotishmen, 73, b 60. It and Cumberland recouered, 146, a 60. It and Kendall by the Scots & Picts spoild, 65, a 60
  • Wharton Henrie, 345, b 60
  • Whitherne a place of sanctuarie, 186, b 40. ¶ Sée Candida casa.
  • Wight Ile rebelleth, 49, a 10
  • Willes two in a monster & both contrarie, 146, b 50
  • Wilford sir Iames taken, 349, b 20
  • William Conqueror threteneth king Malcolme, 177, b 50. He proclamed open warres, 60
  • William Rufus in armes a|gainst the Scots, 179, b 30
  • William surnamed the Lion crowned K. required to doo ho|mage, his request, goeth ouer with K. Henrie into France, 187, b 50, 60. His zeale of iu|stice, he receiueth a péece of Northumberland, with his right saued to the residue, he inuadeth Cumberland, 188, a 10, &c. Yéeldeth himselfe priso|ner, conueid into Normandie b 50, 60. Ransomed, 189, b 10, His gift vnto king Richard, 192, a 60. Did homage to king Iohn, 192, b 50. Surren|dreth to king Iohn the lands a [...] Cumberland, &c. 193, a 30. Deceaseth, 193, b 50
  • William lieutenant of Tuscane 123, a 60. Maketh Christ his heire, 123, b 20
  • Willoughbie sir Hugh, 352, a 10
  • Wind. ¶ Sée Fire.
  • Wine sold by weight, 268, a 10. ¶ Sée Measure and Ale.
  • Winter long, 139, b 30.
  • Wiscart George burnt, 339, b 10
  • Witches consulted withall, and what happened by giuing cre|dit to their words, 69, a 60. In Fores inquirie made for them, found out, their practise against king Duffe, exami|ned, 149, b 30, &c. Confesse and are burnt, 150, a 10, Burnt, &c. 282, b 50, 60. ¶ Sée Pro|phesie.
  • Wood burne lord indicted, 306, a 30
  • Woldosins earle of Northum|berland and Huntington, 182 b 10
  • Woman abused with a spirit, 97, a 40. Of vnnaturall crueltie 278, b 40. Of a stout stomach, being a quéene, 278, b 60. Hir manlie stomach: note, 232, b 20. Manlie, Sée Blacke Agnes. Of manlike force and stature, 236, a 40
  • Women as redie to the battell as men, 62, a 40. A combrance to the Picts, 130, a 60. Desi|rous of high estate, 171, a 60. They and children are kept harmelesse, 143, a 60. Set vp|on mischiefe. ¶ Sée Counsell and Fenella. Waile their friends, 58, b 60. Placed in or|der of battell, 50, a 10. Come with the quéene in armour, 52 b 10
  • Woonder of a yoong babe giuing warning to his mother, 137, a 10. Strange of a voice, 158, a 10, 20. Of adders, 192, a 50.
  • Woonders strange: note, 180, [...] 10: note, 152, a 10. 151, b 60. 170, b 60. 171, a 10. 245, a 10, 20. In dansing: note, 203, b 60 And strange sights, 167, a 60. 59, a 40, 268, a 10. 203, b 20. 50, a 60. Maruellous & vncouth, 137, a 10. 106, b 60. 89, b 40. Rare and notorious, 139, b 20. And visions, 116, b 10. 128, b 60. Terrible, 79, a 40. Most dreadfull, 159, a 20. And prodigious chances, 300, a 60 Séene in the a [...]re, 193, b 50, 60 317, b 40. 190, a 30. 132, b 20. Appearing to the Scotish ar|mie, 53, b 50. Import a mea|ning, 146, b 60. Interpreted, 137, a 10, &c. 132, b 40
  • Wrestling betwéene a Norman and a Scot, 202, b 30
  • Writers of Scotland their ca|talog, 457, b 20. ¶ Sée Scots and Scotland.


  • YOrke yéelded to Octauius, 73, b 50. Besieged, 101, b 50. ¶ Sée Scots.
  • Yorke in possession of Hengist, 96, a 10
  • Yorkeswold wasted by the Scots, 224, a 60
  • Youth trained vp in hardnesse, 137, a 60, Should eate but one meale a daie, 50
FINIS propositi laus Christo nescia FINIS.
EEBO page image 761

Finished in Ianuarie 1587, and the 29 of the Queenes Maiesties reigne, with the full continuation of the former yeares, at the expenses of Iohn Hari|son, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Tho|mas Woodcocke.

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