You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 21 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 760) W.
- WAll Roger his words of the duke of Summerset, 435, a 10
- Wallase William beginneth to wax famous, 209, a 20. Win|neth castels, &c: 209, a 60, His policie to relieue the people in the time of derth, b 40. Inua|deth Northumberland, 50. His answer to the king of Englands message, 60. En|tred England with an armie of 30000 men, 210, a 20. He is enuied, 40. Raiseth a power to resist the king of England, 50. Conferénce betwéene him and Bruse, b 40. Refuseth the offers of king Edward, 212, a 50. Escheweth to agrée with the Englishmen, 213, a 20. Is taken, brought to Lon|don and put to death: note, 214, a 10, 20
- Walter the son of Fleance high steward of Scotland, 178, a 60
- Wanthop archbishop of Arma|cham, 355, a 50
- Warke castell besieged, 361, a 10 Assalted, 311, a 50, 60. Woone, 279, a 10
- Warre without slaughter and burning, 123, b 60. Continuall in Scotland what calamitie it caused, 237, b 10. Ciuill and what mischéefes insue, 162, a 10. The frutes thereof, 160, b 50. ¶ Sée Battell, Commo|tion, and Uictorie.
- Warning of a yoong babe to his mother: note, 137, a 10. Of some great mischance, 300, a 60
- Welshmen rebelling against the Romans brought to their for|mer obedience, 64, b 60. Sub|dued by Henrie the fift, 258, a 40
- Welth superfluous occasion of vice, 90, b 10
- West doctor ambassador into Scotland, 295, a 60
- Westmerland why so named, 52, b 60, 53. a 10, Assigned to the Scotishmen, 73, b 60. It and Cumberland recouered, 146, a 60. It and Kendall by the Scots & Picts spoild, 65, a 60
- Wharton Henrie, 345, b 60
- Whitherne a place of sanctuarie, 186, b 40. ¶ Sée Candida casa.
- Wight Ile rebelleth, 49, a 10
- Willes two in a monster & both contrarie, 146, b 50
- Wilford sir Iames taken, 349, b 20
- William Conqueror threteneth king Malcolme, 177, b 50. He proclamed open warres, 60
- William Rufus in armes a|gainst the Scots, 179, b 30
- William surnamed the Lion crowned K. required to doo ho|mage, his request, goeth ouer with K. Henrie into France, 187, b 50, 60. His zeale of iu|stice, he receiueth a péece of Northumberland, with his right saued to the residue, he inuadeth Cumberland, 188, a 10, &c. Yéeldeth himselfe priso|ner, conueid into Normandie b 50, 60. Ransomed, 189, b 10, His gift vnto king Richard, 192, a 60. Did homage to king Iohn, 192, b 50. Surren|dreth to king Iohn the lands a [...] Cumberland, &c. 193, a 30. Deceaseth, 193, b 50
- William lieutenant of Tuscane 123, a 60. Maketh Christ his heire, 123, b 20
- Willoughbie sir Hugh, 352, a 10
- Wind. ¶ Sée Fire.
- Wine sold by weight, 268, a 10. ¶ Sée Measure and Ale.
- Winter long, 139, b 30.
- Wiscart George burnt, 339, b 10
- Witches consulted withall, and what happened by giuing cre|dit to their words, 69, a 60. In Fores inquirie made for them, found out, their practise against king Duffe, exami|ned, 149, b 30, &c. Confesse and are burnt, 150, a 10, Burnt, &c. 282, b 50, 60. ¶ Sée Pro|phesie.
- Wood burne lord indicted, 306, a 30
- Woldosins earle of Northum|berland and Huntington, 182 b 10
- Woman abused with a spirit, 97, a 40. Of vnnaturall crueltie 278, b 40. Of a stout stomach, being a quéene, 278, b 60. Hir manlie stomach: note, 232, b 20. Manlie, Sée Blacke Agnes. Of manlike force and stature, 236, a 40
- Women as redie to the battell as men, 62, a 40. A combrance to the Picts, 130, a 60. Desi|rous of high estate, 171, a 60. They and children are kept harmelesse, 143, a 60. Set vp|on mischiefe. ¶ Sée Counsell and Fenella. Waile their friends, 58, b 60. Placed in or|der of battell, 50, a 10. Come with the quéene in armour, 52 b 10
- Woonder of a yoong babe giuing warning to his mother, 137, a 10. Strange of a voice, 158, a 10, 20. Of adders, 192, a 50.
- Woonders strange: note, 180, [...] 10: note, 152, a 10. 151, b 60. 170, b 60. 171, a 10. 245, a 10, 20. In dansing: note, 203, b 60 And strange sights, 167, a 60. 59, a 40, 268, a 10. 203, b 20. 50, a 60. Maruellous & vncouth, 137, a 10. 106, b 60. 89, b 40. Rare and notorious, 139, b 20. And visions, 116, b 10. 128, b 60. Terrible, 79, a 40. Most dreadfull, 159, a 20. And prodigious chances, 300, a 60 Séene in the a [...]re, 193, b 50, 60 317, b 40. 190, a 30. 132, b 20. Appearing to the Scotish ar|mie, 53, b 50. Import a mea|ning, 146, b 60. Interpreted, 137, a 10, &c. 132, b 40
- Wrestling betwéene a Norman and a Scot, 202, b 30
- Writers of Scotland their ca|talog, 457, b 20. ¶ Sée Scots and Scotland.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 22 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 760) Y.
- YOrke yéelded to Octauius, 73, b 50. Besieged, 101, b 50. ¶ Sée Scots.
- Yorke in possession of Hengist, 96, a 10
- Yorkeswold wasted by the Scots, 224, a 60
- Youth trained vp in hardnesse, 137, a 60, Should eate but one meale a daie, 50