You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 20 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 745) W.
- WAllop sir Iohn ambassador in France, 98. 60. He requireth to haue Fitzgirald, and is de|nied, ib. 70. Aduertiseth the king, ib. 9
- Wallop sir Henrie knight, tresu|ror at armes, commeth to As|ketten castle, 167. 46. His com|panie left in garison at As [...]et|ten, ib. 66. Is made one of the lord iustices, 177. 46. His good gouernement, ib. A combat fought before him, 180. 70. He yeeldeth vp the swoord to sir Iohn Perot, 181. 8. He is one of the councell, 181. 57. He laie at Limerike, 165. 20
- Wales inuaded by the Dubli|ans, 74. 70
- Waterford citie builded by Sita|racus, 24. 17. 12. 55. Alwaies faithfull to the crowne of Eng|land, 24. 56. The conquest of it by Richard Strangbow, 14. 10. The description of it, 138. 70. Their variance with the earle of Kildare, 139. 12. Their riuer & the commodi|tie of the same, 139, 26. Their priuileges, 139. 1. An admoni|tion vnto them, ib, 40. Their honorable receiuing of the lord deputie, 138. 57. They stand vpon terms with the lord de|putie, 131. 66
- Waterhouse sir Edward knight one of the queenes priuie councell, 181. 67. Subscribeth to the proclamation against the earle of Desmond, 164. 10
- Warres betweene Lacie and Marshall, 61. 67
- Warres betweene the countries of Meth and Offerill 0
- Waters of a strange nature in Ireland, 30. 30
- Welsh Robert seruant to the earle of Kildare, 98. 70. Accom|panieth the yoong earle into France, ib. Returneth into England, 98. 70
- Welsh Iohn maketh a draught vpon the earle of Desmond, 178. 35. His deuise to passe ouer the riuer, ib. 53
- Weston Robert arriued into Ireland as lord chancellor, 116. 36. His vprightnesse, ib. 40. His oration to the parle|ment, 119. 30. Is made lord iustice, 117. 60. His death, 134. 10. His vertues and conditi|ons ib. 15. His exhortation to the councell, ib. 30
- Wexford towne, 26. 64. It is wonne by mac Morough and by Fitzstephans, 51. 30. The cheefest towne in Leimster, 4. 16. Is giuen to Fitzstephans and Morice Fitzgirald, 4. 6. The Wexford men by craft do take Fitzstephans, 19. 20. They present Fitzstephans to the king, 21. 20. It is left to the gouernement of Fitzal|delme, 24. 18. The marriage betweene Reimond and Ba|silie is celebrated at Wexford, 34. 66. At Wexford Fitzgerald died and was buried, 41. 25. Wexford men make warres against Bri [...]m mac Kahir, 135. 48. They are vanquished, ib. 60
- White Iohn his good seruice in the rebellion against Fitzgi|rald, 91. 8. Is dubbed knight, ib. 11
- White Henrie made a broile in Dublin, 87. 16. He is pardo|ned, ib. 55
- Windsore lord Windsore the first lieutenant in Ireland, 72. 67. He kept a parlement in which a subsidie was granted, ib. 70
- Wingfield Iaques master of the ordinance is verie carefull for the safetie of his nephues, 170. 20. He is sent to the Spani|ards fort, 171. 46. The capteine submitteth himselfe vnto him, ib. 52. He presented him to the lord deputie, ib.
- Winter sir William viceadmerall arriueth into Ireland at the Uentrie, 165. 58. He distru|sting no harme returneth into England, ib. 3. He returneth, and by water besiegeth the fort at Smereweke, 171. 22. The notable good seruice of him & his mariners at that siege, ib. 56. He gaue protection to the Irish rebels, 165. 57.
- Wonders of Ireland, 28. 30
- Wright Nicholas his good ser|uice to his maister capteine Raleigh, 173. 50
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 21 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 745) Y.
- YOughall towne taken and spoiled, 164. 36. The maior hanged before his owne doore, 164. 50. It is forsaken and the people called home, ib. 55
You are here: 1587 > Volume 5 >
Back Matter: Section 3 of
5: The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn
Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman. The first number noteth the page, the second the line.
Snippet: 22 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 745) Z.
- ZOoch aduertiseth sir William Pelham lord iustice of the lord Greie his arriuall, 169. 50. He serueth vpon the Spa|niards at Smereweke, 171. 58. He is gouernor at Kerrie and Desmond, 172. 10. A sickenesse fell in his campe at Dingham, 174. 48. He is go|uernor of Mounster, 175. 20. He killeth sir Iohn of Des|mond, 175. 30. He serueth noblie vpon Barrie, and re|ceiueth him to protection, 176. 20 He maketh a iourneie vpon Fitzmoris of Lexna, and prei|eth his countrie, 176. 50. He receiueth a new supplie of souldiers, 177. 20. He retur|neth into England, 177. 4