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  • SAbert reigned ouer the East|saxons, and receiueth the faith, 103, a 50
  • Saberts thrée most lewd sons deseruedlie slaine all togither, 106, b. 60
  • Sabinus his valiantnesse a|gainst the Britans, 34, b 40
  • Sacrifices by whome to be made, 2, b 40. Of prisoners, 41, b 50
  • Saint Albons bones taken vp and put into a rich shrine, 132, a 10
  • Saint Auderie of Elie. ¶ Sée [...]thelreda.
  • Saint Clements Danes with|out Temple barre, 185, a 20
  • Saint Cu [...]bert appéered to K. Alured, 146, a 60. His shrine priuileged, 150, a 60
  • Saint [...]lutus bell, 161, a 60
  • Salassians inhabitants about Italie and Switserland, 33, a 10
  • Salisburie besieged by the Danes, 176, a 20. ¶ Sée Am|brie.
  • Salisburie plaine where the Saxons and Britons met, 81, b 40. And of the stones there at this daie remaining. ¶ Sée Stoneheng.
  • Salomon king of Britaine Ar|morike, 112, b 30
  • Samaritans maner of seruing God, 110, a 10
  • Samothea the name of Bri|taine, 2. a 60
  • Samotheans subdued by Al|bion, 4, a 40
  • Samothes what part of the world he had for his portion, 2, a 30
  • Sandwich or Richborough, 72, b 60, where Uespasian [...]urst not arriue, 36, b 40
  • Sarron the sonne of Magus, 2. b 30
  • Sarronides doo neuer sacrifice without a philosopher, 2, b 40
  • Satisfaction for sinnes, 163, b 20
  • Saxons described, 96, b 60. [...]raitorous, 81, b 60. They and the Picts renew their league, 82, b 60. Sue for li|cence to Uortimer to depart home into [...]rmanie, 90, b 40. Came swarming like bées into Britaine, 81, a 30. Remo|uing Britains out of their seats stil gained ground of them, 97, b 40. First inuasion into great Britaine: note, 73, b 60. Plagued by Arthur of Britaine, 90, a 60. Foure notable battels giuen them by the Britains to their o|uerthrows, 80, b 10. Slaugh|tered at Badon hill, 88, a 50. Appointed to plague the Bri|tains from time to time for there [...]owle sinnes, 96, b 30. Pursue the Britains. With|out ceassing, &c. 97, b 60, 98, a 10. Erect an heptarchie or seuen kingdomes, 97, b 40. What parts of Britaine they had in their hands in Uorti|gers time, 83, b 60. The first fight betwixt them in this I|land, 97, a 20. Ouerthrowne besieging Bath, 90, b 60, 91, a 10. Arriue and dwell in Nor|thumberland, 79, b 40. Well interteined of Uortigerne, 78 a 60. Well nigh wasted by Uortimers warres, 80, b 10. Ioine with the Scots and Picts against the Britains, 81, a 30 Rouers, p [...]rats, and more cruell than all other eni|mies, 7 [...], a 40. Waged to aid the Britains against the Picts and Scots, 78, a 30. Slaine and not one lest to carrie newes into their owne countrie out of Britaine, 74, a 50. Come thicke and thrée|fold into Britaine, 79, b 20. Make miserable destruction in this land, 79, b 50, 80, a 10. Notablie discomfited by the Britains conducted by two holie bishops: note, 83, a 20. Called English what they were, 78, b 10. English subdu|ed by Ethelbert, 99, a 50. The bloud or race of them ceased to reigne in England, 200, b 50. ¶ Sée Estangels, South|saxons, and Westsaxons.
  • Schoole erected at Cambridge, by king Sigebert, 21, a 10
  • Sceua the sonne of Androgeus &c: hostages to Cesar, 30, b 50
  • Scots had no habitations in Britaine in the time of Ho|norius the emperour, 71, b 10. They and the Picts trouble this Ile, 72, a 20. Plague the Britains extremelie, 70, a 50, b 40. Not once named in the Romane writers till about Constantius time: note, 41, a 40. First comming out of Spaine into Ireland, 75, b 40 First comming out of Sci|thia, 75, b 40. Descended of Scithians as some thinke, 47, a 10. Inhabited Ireland, 47, a 10. Forced to submit themselues to Arthur, 91, a 10. Instructed in the faith. 82, b 60. Their king hath Cum|berland giuen him and hol|deth it by homage, 157, a 30. Uarie about the kéeping of Easter, 114, a 10. Receiue an oth to be true to king Edred, 158, a 40. Subdued, and their king forced to deliuer his son as hostage to king Adelstan, 155, a 50. Uanquished by the Saxons, 78, a 60. Afflicted by the Saxons, 79, b 30. Inuade the Britains in Uortigerns time, 78, a 10. Made the third nation that inhabited Bri|taine, 75, b 40. Hampered for comming into Britaine to giue battell, 103, b 60 ¶ Sée Picts.
  • Scotland wasted by king A|d [...]lstane, 155, a 40
  • Sebbi king of Eastsaxons a professed moonke, 122, a 60
  • Sebert king of the Eastsoxons conuerted to the faith & bap|tised, 106, b 10
  • Sedition, 131, a 10. ¶ Sée Dis|cord and warres ciuill.
  • Segburga quéene of the west|saxons hir gouernement, 122, a 10. [...]e of E [...]combert, 114, b 50
  • Seginus duke of the Alla|brogs, 16, b 20
  • Seians horsse, 137, a 30
  • Seired king of Eastsaxons, 129, a 10. Slaine, 133, b 60
  • Serred. ¶ Sée Seward.
  • Seruants louing their mai|sters, 134, a 60
  • Seuerus arriueth in Britaine, and would be surnamed Bri|tannicus, 55, a 20 Reigned as king, 54, a 60. His seuere and cruell commandement, 56, a 10. Séeketh the destruction of Albinus, 54, a 40. Slaine by Fulgentius, 54, b 10. His death, 56, a 20. And maner of funerall after the Romane fashion, ibidem 60
  • Seuerus coronell of the foot|men putteth the Saxons in feare, 74, a 10
  • Sewfred. ¶ Sée Sighere.
  • Sex [...]usse bishop of Mercies, 122, a 50
  • Shaftsburie called mount Pa|ladour, 12, b 30
  • Ships of Cnute passing for pompe, 173, b 60
  • Sibert king of Estangles chri|stened, 110, a 20
  • Sicilius king of Britaine, 19, b 50. ¶ Sée Sisillius.
  • Sidroc a Danish earle slaine in fight, 143, a 40
  • Sigbert. ¶ Sée Sigibert.
  • Sigebert. ¶ See Sabert and Sibert.
  • Sigeferd. ¶ Sée Morcad.
  • Sighere gouernour of a part of the Eastsaxons with Sebb [...], 122, b 10. Confirmed notablie in the faith, 121, a 10. King of Eastsaxons renounceth the faith, and imbraceth idolatrie, 120, b 60
  • Sighard, ¶ Sée Sewfred.
  • Sights strange import an alte|ration of the state, 196, b 10. Strange in the aire, 135, b 60
  • Sigibert king of Eastangles loueth learning, buildeth schooles, resigneth his king|dome, & becommeth a moonke, he is slaine, 116, a 20
  • Sigibert king of Eestsaxons cruell at home but a coward abrode, 131, a 50
  • Sigibert the second receiued the faith, 117, a 20. Murthe|red by two of his owne kins|men, 117, a 60, b 10
  • Signes of ill lucke, 133, b 10
  • Silures inhabited in South|wales or néere vnto the welsh matches, 38, a 40. [...]hy so whetted & eager against the Romans, 40, a 10
  • Simon Zelotes. ¶ Sée Ioseph of Arimathia.
  • Simplicitie of king Constan|tius abused by Uortigerne, 77, a 10
  • Singing brought into chur|ches, 120, a 60. ¶ Sée Chur|ches and Musike.
  • Sinnes abhominable of the EEBO page image 734 Britains the cause of their scourging by the Saxons, 96. b 30. ¶ Sée Gyldas.
  • Siricius archbishop of Can|turburie, 166, a 60
  • Sisallius the fiftéenth ruler of Britaine, 14, b 10
  • Sithrike king of Northum|berland, 150, a 60
  • Siward earle of Northumber|land dieth: note, 192, b 60
  • Slander preuented, 188, b 60
  • Slouth ingendreth lecherie, 11, b 50
  • Snow and frost great, 133, a 10. Of aboue two moneths con|tinuance, 188, a 10
  • Sodomie committed, 11, b 60
  • Soldiers of Aulus Plautius disordered, 34, a 10. Of Bri|taine valorous, 69, b 20, Péer|lesse, 68, a 60
  • Soldiers like not laws to kéepe them in order, 54, a 30. A|gainst their capteine, 46, b 10
  • Southmercia, 118, b 40
  • Southsaxons kingdome what number of families it contei|ned, 123, a 10. It ceaseth, 127, b 20. ¶ Sée Sussex.
  • Sparatinum a towne, 8, a 40, 60
  • Spie. ¶ Sée Policie.
  • Springtides, 174, a 30
  • Stanesmoore, 47, a 50
  • Stiermarke. ¶ Sée Ualeria.
  • Stigand archbishop of Can|turburie by intrusion, 191, a 40. Made but a iest at K. Ed|wards propheticall spéeches, 195, b 20
  • Stilico the sonne in law to Ho|norius, his acts and déeds in Britaine, 74, b 50
  • Stoneheng on Salsburie plain why so called, 84, b 60. Called Chorea gigantum, 88, b 20
  • Strangers teach Englishmen diuerse vile vices, 159, b 60. Suspected of the Britains, for their multitudes, 79, b 50. Ought not to quarell in for|ren countries, 188, b 10
  • Strenwold a valiant man slaine, 166, a 50
  • Subiection makes kings know themselues, 21, 10, b 20. Of Britaine to the Romans when it was, 31, a 60
  • Subtiltie of Uortigerne to con|ceale his treason, 77, a 30
  • Succession. ¶ Sée Crowne.
  • Suebhard. ¶ Sée Nidred,
  • Suetonius lieutenant of Bri|taine inuadeth Anglesca, &c: 41, b 10. Incourageth his bands against Uoadicia and hir Britains, 45, b 20. Sup|plied with fresh forces setteth vpon the Britains, 45, a 50. Thinking vpon safetie with|draweth himselfe and his for|ces, 44, a 60. By hart grudge thrust at to loose his dignitie, 46, a 30
  • Suidhelme king of Estsaxons christened, 117, b 60
  • Sunne eclipsed excéedinglie, 130, a 60
  • Suspicion sometimes necessa|rie, 81, b 60
  • Sussex or Southsex, with the beginning of the Southsax|ons kingdoms, 86, a 10, Im|braceth the faith, 123, a 10. Af|flicted with famine for lacke of raine, 123, a 30. ¶ Sée Southsex & Southsaxons.
  • Swaine arriuing at Sand|wich spoileth all the countrie néere the sea side, 169, a 20. Re|puted full king of England handleth the people hardlie, 172, b 60. Conquered the greater part of England, 172, b 12. King of Denmarke, taketh Norweie and spoileth it, 168, b 60. Prepareth a fresh armie to inuade England, 171, a 60. Erle Goodwins son, banished, his lewd life, 188, a 10, 60. He rebelleth against his father Goodwin, his mise|rable end going on pilgri|mage, 190, b 30. His end and death, 178, a 10
  • Swimming a practise vsed a|mong the Britains, 48, a 10
  • Swithed. ¶ Sée Swithred.
  • Swithred king of Eastsaxons expelled, 133, b 60
  • Swithune bishop of winche|ster of king Egberts coun|cell, 140, b 20
  • Synod prouinciall to reforme wants in the church, 153, a 60 Holden for the approuing of images, 128, a 60. Held in Au|gustines time, 102, b 30, 60. Held at Hatfield, 123, b 10. Held at Herford, 121, a 60. Held in Mercia, & what was there doone, 135, a 10

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