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  • OCca the sonne of Hengist taken and fauourablie dealt withall by Aurelius, 84, b 50. He and Ebusa lea|ders of the Saxons, 79, b 30. He reigned in Kent foure and twentie yeares, 89 a 10. He threateneth destruction to U| [...]er: note, 87, b 60
  • Occasion not to be neglected, 42, a 50. Not neglected, 78, b 40. Taken to come to ones purpose, 79, a 40. Watched & vsed, 126, a 10, 165, a 20, 97, b 60
  • Octauius a British lord gouer|ned Britaine noblie, he dieth, 65, a 60, b 60
  • Odo archbishop of Canturbu|rie, 136, b 60
  • Offa conquereth the Eastan|gles, 133, b 30. Maketh his realme tributarie to Rome, and dieth, 132, a 60, b 10. Ali|eth himselfe to other princes for feare of his enimies, 132, a 50. King of Mercia, his acts, déeds, and victories, 131, b 60. King of Eastsaxons, be|commeth a moonke, 129, a 10
  • Offchurch in Warwikeshire built, 132, b 20
  • Offdich or Offas dich, 132, b 20
  • Oke of saint Augustine, 102, b 30
  • Onichelinus. ¶ Sée Richeli|nus.
  • Opportunitie. ¶ Sée Occasion.
  • Oracle that Brute consulted withall, 8, b 60
  • Oratorie to praie in erected by bishop Cead, 121, a 40. Built by Ioseph of Aremtathia, 127, b 40
  • Ordouices old inhabitants of Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, 38, b 20. In ma|ner destroied, 47, b 50
  • Osbright king of Nor [...]|bers deposed and El [...]a pla|ced, 143, a 10
  • Osred K. of Northumb [...]rland expelled, 136, b 30. His filthie life and death in battell, 129, a 10
  • Osrike king of Northumber|land, 125, b 50. His counsell to reuenge the death of Kine|wulfe, 134, b 10. He renoun|ceth his kingdome and be|commeth a moonke, 129, a 40. ¶ Sée Eaufrid.
  • Ostorius Scapula his explo [...]s in Britaine, 37, b 10. Giueth the Britains a sore ou [...]r|throw, 39, b 10. Astonished at the Britons chéerefulnesse a|gainst his Romans, 38, b 60. His triumph for victories a|gainst Caratake, 39, b 40. He dieth, 40 [...] 20
  • Ostrida the w [...] of king Ethel|red, cruellie slaine, 128, a 40, 50
  • Osulph king of Northumber|land slaine by treason, 132, b 60
  • Oswald a noble man ordeined king of Northumbers, expel|led, 136, b 60. Raiseth warre against Ethelard, 129, b 10. King of Northumbers, his valiantnes against Cadwal|lo, 111, b 20. The true storie concerning him, 113, a 50 His zeale to aduance religion, 114, a 50. He breaketh his siluer plate to the poore, 114, a 60. An interpretor to the preacher, 114, a 30. Cruellie slaine by Penda, 115, a 20. Canonised a saint, 115, a 20
  • Oswald archbishop of yorke, 161, b 20
  • Oswald bishop of Worcester, 160, a 10
  • Oswie king of Northumber|land, 118, a 30. His vow that he made if he might haue the victorie, 118, a 40. He sickneth and dieth, 121, a 50
  • Oswin. ¶ Sée Oswie.
  • Oth constreined is no oth, 197, a 10. Taken for purgation in a case of murther, 185, a 60
  • Oth the son of Occa the Sax|on, 89, a 20
  • Oxford burned by the Danes, 169, b 40. The vniuersitie when founded and erected, 148, b 50
  • Oxfordshiremen resist the Ro|mans, and are slaine, 37, b 20


  • PAinters brought into Eng|gland, 120, b 30
  • Palace called the bishops pa|lace by Paules by whome, builded, 23, a 50
  • Paladour mount now Shafts|burie, 12, b 30
  • Pall of an archbishop, 101, b 60
  • Paliadius instructeth Scots in the faith, 82, b 60
  • Pandrasus prepareth an armie to suppresse the Troian off|spring, he is taken prisoner, 8, a 40, b 20
  • Paunonia now Hungarie, 32, b 50
  • Parricide, 7, b 20. ¶ Sée Mur|ther.
  • Pascentius Uortige [...]ns yoon|gest sonne his exploits, 85, a 10. His practise of treason a|gainst Aurelius, 85, a 20
  • Pauia in Lumbardie, 149, b 30
  • Paule preached vnto the Bri|tains, EEBO page image 732 37, a 50
  • Paules church first a temple, by whome builded, 23, a 60. By whom builded, doubtfull, 102, b 10, 103, a 50
  • Pauline bishop of Rochester, 111, a 60. Diligent in his of|fice, 107, b 40, 108, a 10. His preaching and baptising pre|uaileth much, 109, b 60. He prospereth in the discharge of his function, 110, a 50. He fli|eth into Kent, 111, a 50
  • Pauline archbishop of Yorke, 110, b 10. He receiueth the pall, 110, b 10. He deceaseth, 115, a 50
  • Peada. ¶ Sée Peda & Weada.
  • Peace concluded vpon conditi|ons betwéene king Edmund Ironside and Cnute, 178, a 50, 177, b 40. Concluded to make opener waie for trea|son, 176, b 10. Purchased with monie, 126, b 10, 127, b 10, 165, a 60, 166, a 60, b 60, 169, a 50
  • Peda king of Midleangles, maried, baptised, 116, b 50. His opinion and saieng of l [...]pgos|pellers, 117, a 10
  • Pelagian errors greatlie pre|uailed in Britaine, 82, b 10. To be suppressed, 110, b 40
  • Pelagius where borne, his he|resie, 82, b 20
  • Petitus a Spanish wizzard or soothsaier: note, 112, b 50
  • Pe [...]ance that Edgar did for de|flouring Wilfrid, 161, a 10. Uoluntarie that Robert duke of Normandie vndertooke, 201, b 20
  • Penda king of Mercia, 110, b 50. His crueltie, 111, a 30. His regiment, his acts and déeds, 112, a 20. He enuieth Os|walds well dooing, 115, a 10. Slaine by Oswie, 116, b 30
  • Penius Posthumus killeth himselfe, 46, a 10
  • Pentarchie of Britaine, 15, a 10 ¶ Sée Britaine and Kings.
  • Perdix his prophesies, 14, a 60
  • Peredurus ¶ Sée Uigenius.
  • Perhennis all in all vnder the emperour Comodus, 53, b 40.
  • Per [...]urie neuer left vnpunished: note, 199, a 50. ¶ Sée Oth and Promise.
  • Persecution. ¶ Sée Christi|ans.
  • Pertinax lieutenant of Bri|taine, 54, a 10
  • Peterburrow, 122. a 50. ¶ Sée Meidhamsted.
  • Peterpence first paid to Rome, 128, a 30. Paid to Rome in Offas time, 132, b 10. Their grant confirmed by Ethel|wulfe, 141, a 50
  • Petronius Turpilianus an idle lieutenant, 46, a 60
  • Petus Cerealis his hard es|cape, 44, b 50
  • Philosopher made a king, 125, b 30
  • Picts why so named, 9, b 30. Di|uided into two nations, 7 [...]. b 40. In no Romane writer mentioned before Mamerti|nus time, 61, b 50. Inuaded this land, and of what nation descended, 47, a 10. The next after the Romans (of stran|gers) that inuaded this land 47, a 40. Cut off one part of the limits of the kingdome of Northumberland, 125, b 40. They and Scots recouer a part of their countrie long possessed of the English, 125, [...] [...]0. Why they had the south parts of Scotland giuen them, 56, b 30. Alied with the Saxons, 90, a 60. Ouer|throwne by the Northum|bers, 129, a 20. ¶ Sée Scots.
  • Pictland or Pi [...]htland, 9, b 60
  • Pilgrimage of Robert duke of Normandie that he volunta|rilie tooke to Ierusalem, 201, b 20. Of K. Inas [...]o Rome, 127, b 30. Of Sweine the son of the earle Goodwine, 190, b 30
  • Pinnesses, 4, a 10. ¶ See Gal|lies.
  • Pittie procured murther, 50, b 60. Of Adelstan vpon cer|teine kings that stood to his mercie, 155, a 10
  • Pledges giuen vpon securitie, 193, b 20, 40. No sufficient warrant of fréedome from danger, 174, b 60. English cruellie handled, 173, b 30. ¶ Sée Hostages.
  • Pleimond archbishop of Can|turburie, 149, a 20. President of the English prouinciall councell, 153, a 60, b 30
  • Plentie accompanied with ma|nie outragious sinnes: note, 77, b 60
  • Plesure which bringeth gréefe is to be forborne: note, 148, a 60. Of the flesh to los [...]e of life, 134. a 60. Déerelie bought, 161, a 10. 20, 144, b 20. Gran|ted bringeth preferment, 160, b 60, 161, a 10. ¶ Sée Loue and Lust.
  • Poicto [...]ins put to flight by Co|rineus, 10, [...] 10
  • Poison, & what sharpe punish|ment was executed vpon one that poisoned hir husband: 154, b 10
  • Policie of Aula [...]e discouered: note, 155, b 40. Of Alured to know the state of the Danes his enimies campe, 146, b 10. Of duke William to disorder the Englishmens armie, 200, a 10. Of Gurmundus to take Cirencester, 98, a 20. Of Hen|gist, 77, 78, 79
  • Polycletus great port offen|siue, 46, a 40
  • Pope when he first curssed En|gland: note, 153, a 50. Alex|ander a fauourer of duke Wil|liams conquest of England, 199, a 10. Uitalianus, 120, a 20
  • Porchester woone by the Ro|mans, 36, a 10
  • Porrex. ¶ Sée Ferrex.
  • Por [...]h the Saxons arriuall in Britaine, 89, a 40
  • Portes [...]outh why so named, 89, a 40
  • Praier to God by the Britains for aid against the Saxons, 8, a 30. Of Uoadicia before hir incounter with the Ro|mans, 44, a 40. For victorie before the battell begun, 111, b 60
  • Praiers, and what effect they haue, 134, a 10
  • Prasutagus king of Britaine, 32, a 10, ¶ Sée Aruiragus.
  • Pre [...]ends giuen to vicars, 161, b 30
  • Preching, and that such as are called to it should haue the knowledge of toongs, 114, a 20. Of what sort preuaileth and is most effectuall, 113, b 20, 114, a 10, &c.
  • Préest Wighart well séene in the scriptures, 119, b 60
  • Préests that serued in Claudi|us temple, spoilers, and rob|bers, 42, b 20. Go to warre with euill spéed, 104, a 30. Went with Peda to teach and baptise the Middleangels, 116, b 60. In battell with their Alleluia: note, 83, a 30. Not to come to the al [...]ar bare| [...]egged, and whie, 134, b 50. Foure [...]ll brethren, 118, a 30. Secular had wiues in mo|nasteries, 162, b 40. Put in the roomes of moonks, 159, a 50. Little regarded and moonks estéemed, 161, b 20. Receiued into monasteries and moonks remoued, 162, b 30
  • Pren, 136, [...] 50. ¶ Sée Ethelbert
  • Prerogatiue of king Edgar te|stified, 159, b 40
  • Present that earle Goodwin gaue Hard [...]cnute to redéeme his fauour, 185, a 60
  • Presents sent to king Adelstan from diuerse kings: note, 156, a 10
  • Presumption hath a fall, 12, b 50
  • Pride of Cnute turned into hu|militie, 181, b 10
  • Priuileges granted to Belins highwaies, 16, b 50. Gran|ted to saint Cutberts shrine, 150, a 60. Granted by Mul|mut [...]us, 15, b 40
  • Profit preferred before hone|stie, 193, a 50
  • Prophesie, the sprit wherof was in Alfred, 133, b 30. Of king Edward the third fulfilled, 195, b 30
  • Promise interchangeablie made and sealed with oth, 194, a 20. Faithfullie kept, 167, a 10. Made with corporall oth vr|ged to the purpose, 196, b 60. ¶ Sée Uow.
  • Promises in extremities may be made and yet not of neces|sitie to be performed, 194, a 60, b 10. And rewards mooue mightilie, 139, b 50. Faire what mischéefe they make m [...]n doo, 77, a 20. Not to be trusted, 136, b 50
  • Prouerbe, The Britains nei|ther valiant in war nor faith|full in peace, 35, b 20. Seians horsse cast his rider, 137, a 20. In trust is trecherie proued true, 5, b 50
  • Prouision for ships and armor, and what order for maintei|ning the nauie, 169, b 10
  • Punishment vpon the sonne for the fathers offense, 166, b 30
  • Putta a good musician made bi|shop of Rochester, 120, b 10. Teacheth song and musike, 122, b 50. Bishop of Roche|ster is saine to flée, 122, b 50
  • Pyrrhus his thrée sons fréends to Brute, 7, b 30


  • QUa [...]ing excessiue reformed by king Edgar, 159, b 60
  • Quarell vpon a light cause pro|cured slaughter, 18, a 10. Up|on a light occasion, 188, b 10. Upon words whereof insued wounds and slaughter, 30, b 30. ¶ Sée Fra [...]e.
  • Quéene, a name withdrawne from the Westsaxons kings wiues, 136, a 20
  • Quend [...]d king O [...]a his wife wise but malicious, 133, b 10. Hir ambitious and enuious mind at hir brothers aduãce|ment, 139, b 50. Murthereth hir sonne Kenelme, 136, b 10
  • Quinburga the daughter of Ce [...]rlus king of Mercia, 109, b 60
  • Quintus Atrius ouersee [...] o [...] the Romane nauie, 28, a 50
  • Quintus Laberius Durus a tribune slaine, 28, b 60

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