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3.15. The articles concluded in the assem|blie holden at Edenburgh in Maie.

The articles concluded in the assem|blie holden at Edenburgh in Maie.

_FIrst, the whole realme was diuided into 52 presbyteries, & the number of ministers and churches appointed to euerie presbyterie.

EEBO page image 456 2 That there shall be two prouinciall assemblies in the yeare in euerie prouince, the first tuesdaie of Oc|tober and Aprill.

3 There shall be one generall assemblie in the yeare, the first of October next insuing.

4 All assemblies doo consist of these persons, the pastor, doctor, and elders, & all the three to haue votes, as well in the presbyteries prouinciall as gene|rall assemblies: and that all such as haue anie sutes in the assemblies may sée and here, but giue no vote except they be of the number of the thrée afore spe|cified.

5 That there was onelie foure offices in the church, the pastor, doctor, elder and deacon, and that the name of bishop was onlie proper to the pastor or minister, and that he had especiall charge and function in the church, but no greater than a common pastor.

6 Item, that visitation in the church was lawfull, and at this time necessarie, in respect of the elder|ship as yet is not lawfullie planted, and that this vi|sitation did apperteine onelie to a pastor or pastors sent from the assemblie, and not else.

7 That when euer the assemblie maketh mention of a bishop, they meane onelie S. Paules bishop and none other.

8 That the receiuing of presentations, giuing of collations, triall of ministers, deposing them for iust causes, shall be in the power of the most learned and soundest iudgement of two presbyteries, and this to stand vntill the presbyteries be better erected.

9 That a commissioner appointed by the generall assemblie, being a pastor, as pastor shall be tried and censured in life and doctrine by the presbyterie, or prouinciall assemblie, but in respect of his commis|sion, he shall be tried by the generall assemblie, of whome he receiued the same.

10 If he admit or doo any thing without consent of his assemblie, it shall be of no effect, and a iust cause of his deposition.

11 The power which he shall receiue shall be Or|dinis causa non iurisdictionis.

12 Commission appointed by the prouinciall or generall assemblies to visit, shall visit presbyteries or particular churches, alwaies not preiudging the power of the presbyterie within the bounds of their visitation.

13 The visitors appointed by the generall assem|blie for this present to stand for one yeare, and there|after as the assemblie shall appoint.

14 That no commission giuen by anie in times past before the date of this assemblie shall be vailea|ble, but such onlie as the said assemblie shall appoint. In which assemblie also it séemeth that the kings ma|iestie made certeine requests, to haue somewhat e|stablished concerning the bishop of saint Andrews, wherevpon these things were concluded against him, and he brought to subscribe the same, to the pre|iudice of his metropolitane iurisdiction ouer the rest of the clergie of his crowne.

3.16. The meanes taken in this generall as|semblie, touching the bishop of S. Andrews, at the desire of the kings maiestie.

The meanes taken in this generall as|semblie, touching the bishop of S. Andrews, at the desire of the kings maiestie.

_IF the bishop by his owne handwriting or personall appearance in the assemblie, will in Gods presence denie, that euer he publikelie professed or meant in anie sort to claime a supremasie, or to be iudge ouer other persons and ministers, or euer auowed the same to haue a ground in Gods word: and that if he had so doone, it had béene great error and against his con|science and knowledge.

2 If he will denie, that in the last synodall as|semblie he claimed to be iudge therevnto, and that if he had doone it, [...]at he erred in it, and in his impious behauiour or contempt of the said synod and his brethren, in that he will remit him to the brethren present, and craue pardon for the ouersight thereof, and promise good behauiour in the time to come.

3 If he will promise to claime no further than he iustlie may by God his word, and according to the last conference, and endeuour himselfe in all beha|uiour to shew himselfe in all time to come a mode|rat person, and so serue, as that he may prooue agree|able for a bishop prescribed by S. Paule, and so sub|mit his life and doctrine to the iudgement and cen|sure of the generall assemblie without anie recla|mation, prouocation, or appellation from the same in anie time to insue.

These things being demanded at the archbi|shops hands, he was contented to yéeld to them by subscribing his name with his owne hand therevn|ton, which doone, the said assemblie at Edenburgh did for their part in like sort publish their dutifull mind & obedience to his maiestie, in adnulling the processe of excommunication against the said bi|shop of saint Andrews, and to continue him in his former estate, as followeth.

3.17. The decree of the assemblie at Eden|burgh, concerning the restitution of the bishop of S. Andrews.

The decree of the assemblie at Eden|burgh, concerning the restitution of the bishop of S. Andrews.

_FOr his maiesties satisfaction, and to giue testimonie with what good will we would obeie his heires so farre as we ought, or in conscience we may, and for good hope we haue in his maiesties fauourable concurrence in building vp of the house of God within this realme, and bicause the processe of excommunication was laid, and the sentence pronounced during the time of the conference, wherevpon his maiestie hath ta|ken occasion of offense, which for manie good causes were conuenient to be remooued, we will forbeare to examine the said processe, or decide it, whatsoeuer prouocation or appellation, or to call in doubt the le|galitie or forme of the said processe, or to condemne the said synod. Yet for the respects aforsaid, and vpon good and weightie considerations, we hold the said processe and sentence as vnlaied, vndeducted or pro|nounced, and restore the said bishops in all respects so farre as may concerne the said processe and sen|tence of excommunication in the former estate he was immedatlie before the same, like as no pro|cesse nor sentence had been laid and deducted against him. Prouiding alwaies he obserue what hath béene promised by him in the premisses, & behaue himselfe dutifullie in his vocation in all times comming.

This doone the earle of Rutland (hauing a com|mission directed to him, to William lord Euers, and to the same Thomas Randolph) went to Berwike as hir maiesties ambassadours, to confirme that league betwéene the two nations of England and Scotland, which the said Randolph had before conclu|ded. Wherevpon the commissioners of England, the earle of Rutland, and the lord Euers, from out of England, and Thomas Randolph from out of Scotland, came to Berwike the place appointed where this league should be fullie stablished. For the meeting of whome at the same place, were commis|sioners of like number, and equall honor and autho|ritie, appointed to come to Berwike for Scotland. But some delaie being made of their appearance, and manie excuses wherewith to interteine time by messengers vsed, at the length commeth to Ber|wike Francis earle Bothwell, Robert lord Boid, EEBO page image 457 and sir Iames Hume of Colden Knowles knight and baron, commissioners for the king of Scots, who there meeting with the foresaid commissioners of England, did conclude a league defensiue and of|fensiue betweene these two nations: which doone, the earle of Rutland returned home, and maister Ran|dolph departed againe into Scotland to take his leaue of the king, whome when he had saluted he left, and returning into England came to London about the fiftéenth of August, where I will now leaue him. But before I turne my pen to any of the persons of Scotland, I determine to set downe certeine ver|ses which Buchanan dedicated vnto him. For al|though they be matter impertinent to this historie of Scotland, yet bicause they were written to him (here mentioned) by a Scot, and are méet for the in|structions of the yoong Scotish king, I will not re|fuse to set them downe in this sort as followeth:

Saepe tibi Randolphe iubes me pingere regem,
Qualem optem, tribuat sic mihi vota Deus.
Accipe: sit primùm veraepietatis amator,
Effigiem summi se putet esse Dei,
Pacem amet: & si res poscat, sit ad arma paratus,
Exuat in victos arma, odiúmque simul,
Nolo nimis parcus, nimiùm sit nolo benignus,
Vtráque regno aequa est exitiosalues,
Non sibi sed populo sese putet esse creatum,
Et se communem [...]uibus esse patrem:
Puniat inuitus, cúm res iubet esse seuerum,
Publica cúm poscent commoda lenis erit.
Viuat, vt exemplar populo sit recta sequendi,
Sit vultus prauis terror, amórque bonis,
Excolat impense ingenium, corpúsque modestè,
Luxuriem fraenet cum ratione pudor:
Iam tacitus tecum, tentas me fallere, tanquam
In tabula nostram, qui mihi ping it heram.

During the time of the abode of this Randolph in Scotland, there was an ambassador sent from the king of France to the king of Scots, which ambassador being called monsieur D'annauall had at this time small interteinment in Scotland; where not staieng long after that Randolph was come into England, he also came hither out of Scotland, to the end to passe through this countrie into France. This summer Montgomerie erle of Eglinton, whose father died not manie yeares be|fore, hauing married the daughter of the lord Boid was slaine in this sort. The earle being a goodlie yoong gentleman, and like to prooue a good member of his countrie, as manie of his ancestors had doone before, did for his delight ride foorth on hunting (a warlike exercise, & much vsed by the Scots) about fiue or six miles frõ his owne castell, where hauing satisfied hispleasure, he returned home. But ha|uing wait laid for him by an ambush of his enimies, he was in his iorneie towards his castell intercep|ted by the lord of Glencarns brother, with the lards of Hacket and Robertslands, and some of the sur|names of the Muirs; at what time he was most mi|serablie slaine by them to their great dishonor, and his countries discommoditie. After which, in Sep|tember Archibald Dowglasse (who as you heard be|fore departing this realme in Aprill last, was ad|mitted to come into his owne countrie) was sent ambassador from the king of Scots to the quéene of England; in whose companie were attendant on him William Murro one of the kings chamber, and Richard Dowglasse nephue vnto the same Ar|chibald. Which ambassador after his comming into England, had full audience at the court then remai|ning at Windsore, on the sixt of the same moneth of September, with whome remaining still here in England, at the writing hereof, expecting the end of his ambassage; I will set end to this slender dis|course. Thus hauing patched vp a Rapsodie of some few things doone in Scotland since the yeare of our Lord one thousand fiue hundred seuentie and one, in which I began my annals of that countrie so na|kedlie deliuered by me, I determine to knit vp all whatsoeuer is set downe before, with a catalog of such writers of Scotland, as either by mine owne search in histories, or by others intelligence by con|ference haue come vnto my hand. The which I haue beene the willinger to doo, because I would ob|serue that course in Scotland which I haue doone in my additions to the historie of England, first writ|ten by Raphaell Holinshed. For hauing there closed vp that historie with a generall catalog of all such as haue written anie thing concerning England, so will I wrap vp these annals of Scotland, much after that manner, with a generall discourse of the writers of that countrie. In dooing whereof I haue not refused to follow the order of Lesleus and other historiographers of Scotland, obseruing the like course in the repetition of the names of a few per|sons at the end of most of their kings.

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