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THE CONTINVANCE of the annales of Scotland, from the death of the regent Matthew earle of Leneaux.

_THe earle of Line|aux slaine and buried at Stear|linge 1572 L [...]slens lib. 10. pag. 387. Buchan. lib. 20. (as the state of that same troblsome time wold so permit) the noble|men which were there present of that faction, taking part with the king, assembled themselues for the creating of a new regent, to which function they named thrée, and those first by oth com|pelled to yeeld to the voices of the nobilitie. The thrée appointed by them were Gilspec Cambell earle of Colen. Argile, Iames Dowglasse earle of Mourton, and Iohn Areskine earle of Mar. But in the end, vpon consultation which of these for most causes (both be|neficiall The earle of Mar made regent of Scotland. and honorable to the realme and king) were méetest to wéeld so troublesome and dangerous an office; in the end it was laid vpon the shoulders of the last of the thrée, to whome (they wholie inclining) gaue full authoritie to execute the office of a regent. At the first entrance into which place, this Areskine, hauing nothing more déere or desired to and of him, than the besieging and recouerie of the castell and town of Edenbrough (out of the hands of the queens faction) to the vse of his maister and pupill (whervn|to the last calends of October he was appointed, with a sufficient armie by the last decessed regent his pre|decessor) he was now hindered therof by sudden (and vnlooked for) turmoiles of the estates of the realme. Where vpon for that instant, the same was proroged to the ides of the said moneth of October. Which de|laie was after occasion of great impediment for the recouerie thereof, bicause it ministred time, power, substance, and succor to the citizens and capteins, to mure and strengthen the castell and towne, when the sharpe winter, the long nights, the hard carriage for the wars, preparation, and the want of sufficient fur|niture therefore (at the same time with the said tur|moiles) occasioned departure from thense, without dispatch of that for which he came.

Certeine moneths after that the regent was gone from thense, there were some few and small [...]cursions and skirmishes vsed amongst them, the victorie inclining to neither part. For the frée sight & watch out of the castell of Edenborough (towards euerie part of the countrie) so wrought, that the quéenes faction should neither come to handstrokes, Skirmishes about Eden|borough. nor yet (being vnprouided) should be intrapped with the deceits of their enimies: bicause by a priuie to|ken (giuen out of the highest towre of the castell) they were easilie warned to recoile and draw home ward in conuenient time. All which notwithstanding, they once felt the smart of the enimie, when all the horsse and footmen were come out of the towne to inter|cept a part of the kings armie. For the kings faction (hauing first laid an ambush in the vallie) did with An ambush laid by the kings [...]actier. the rest come before the castell, in hope to traine the towne garrison vpon them out of the wals of their defense, which their expectation was not deceiued. For the said Edenburgers made hast out of the towne, to pursue the said part of the kings armie, which feined a spéedie flight, to draw the other part further from defense of the castell. By means wher|of, they of the towne did so egerlie pursue them so flieng, that in the end they went so far after their eni|mies, that they drew néere the ensignes of the other ambush, now shewing themselues out of the vallie to rescue their fellowes put to this feined flight. Which The quéenes part warned by the watch of Edenbo|rough cast [...]. thing being well perceiued by the watch of the castell of Edenborough, foorthwith it gaue the appointed signe, whereby those on the quéenes part (before that they came neere to the place in which they were laid for) began fearfullie to recoile for their better safetie; whose flight was the more troublesome to them, be|cause they knew they were in danger, and could not suspect from whense or how their hurt should come, although they were before warned therof by the said watch of the towre. In which recoile of the quéenes part, the few horssemen which had before feined the flight (to draw on the other) returned, and made They which late in ambush pursue those that came foorth to set v [...]õ the kings part. such hast on the backe of the footmen, that the foot|men were inforced (with all the spéed that might be) to flie vnto the citie, the next waie that euerie man could find for his best defense: at what time yet ma|nie of them were wounded, and manie taken priso|ners, as well capteins and gentlemen of armes, as others.

Whilest these things were thus slowlie performed, in that the towne of Edenbrough was with no more heat sought to be recouered, a miserable misfortune happened in an other part of Scotland: for a great flaughter was in the north end of the realme occa|sioned by this means. There were in that countrie A conflict be|twéene the Gordons and the [...]. two families of great power and authoritie, both valiant and wise, both harboring deadlie food of long rooted betweene them. These two were of the sier|names of Gordon, and of Forboise, whereof the first liued with great concord and amitie amongst them|selues, EEBO page image 408 and by the kings sufferance had manie years gouerned the people adioining vnto them, whereby they purchased both strength amongst themselues, and the helpe of other men towards them: when contrarie, the Forboises were at wars one with an|other, The Forboi|ses disagrée among them|selues. dailie impaired their owne strength by their owne slaughters, and in the end wrought their owne confusion, for euerie diuided king dome cannot long continue. But yet though this secret rancor did still remaine amongst these families, they did not in ma|nie yeares before attempt anie open warres the one against the other; rather liuing in secret emulation, than open enuie, bicause they had (in waie of some shew of reconciliation) by marriage intermingled both their families togither. Among these Forboises there was one called Arthur (a man of singular wit, and of no lesse readie hand to performe his deuise) Arthur For|boise. who had alwaies followed the kings part to his vt|termost, from the first time of these discords. This man therefore supposing this to be the time (now or neuer) wherin he must honor himselfe and his name, increase the substance of that part which followed him, & suppresse the rage of the Gordons, first labou|red to bring his familie to vnitie and mutuall loue, for all vertue gathered into it selfe is greatest strength. The which if he might compasse (as by anie possible meanes he would leaue no stone vnturned that might further it) he was then in so good safetie as he desired. For then was there not anie faction or familie in those parts whatsoeuer, whose wealth or strength he doubted, and whose state or authoritie he did feare.

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