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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Fiacre (as the report goeth) hearing that there Fiacre his praier. were diuers of the Scotish nobilitie comming to|wards him vppon this message, in his praiers desi|red feruentlie of almightie God, that it might please him so to woorke for him, that he might continue in his contemplatiue life still, and not be occasioned to resort vnto the troubles of the world, which all con|templatiue godlie men ought to abhorre. And euen as he had wished, it came to passe. For when those that were sent vnto him, came to the heremitage wherein he had his lodging, they found him (as ap|peared vnto them) so dissigured with the leprosie, that vpon his earnest refusall to forsake his solitarie life (which he professed to lead as an heremite) for anie worldlie preferment of kinglie gouernement, they were content to returne with that answere, sith his infirmitie (as they supposed) was such, as was not conuenient for him that should haue anie publike gouernement. This Fiacre had a sister named Si|ra, which hearing of hir brothers vertuous trade of life, came vnto him with a companie of godlie vir|gins, and being of him confirmed in hir purposed intent of chastitie, she repaired into Champaigne in France, where she with hir fellowes remained in great holinesse of life, leauing in those parties a woorthie memorie not forgotten amongest them there till this day.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The foresaid ambassadours returning foorth of France, declared in what plight of deformitie they had séene F [...]acre, and how earnestlie he had refused the offer which they had made vnto him in name of all the states of Scotland. The Scotish nobilitie herevpon assembling togither, chose foorth foure of the ancientest peeres amongest them, to haue the rule and gouernement of the kingdome, till it were otherwise prouided. These were named by that EEBO page image 113 age, wardens, and had full authoritie to order things as séemed them good in all points. In the meane time Ferquhard remaining still in prison, and vex|ed with sundrie diseases, to rid himselfe out of such miseries, slue himselfe in the 13 yeare of his reigne; The desperat end of king Ferquhard. and so nothing spared his owne life in the end, which had béene the occasion of the losse of so manie other mens liues in time of the ciuill discord, that he had euer nourished. After this wretched end of Ferqu|hard, which happened in the yeare of our Lord 632, the lords of the land assembled themselues togither 632 in Argile, about the choosing of a new king, where by common consent, Donwald the third sonne of Eugenius, being called thither with bishop Conan out of the Ile of Man, was inuesied king with great ioy and triumph.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 THis Donwald hauing taken on him the roiall administration, transforming himselfe into his Donwald. Donwald K. o [...] Scotland. fathers maners, restored againe into the former estate such things as apperteined vnto the common wealth, and had béene anie wise decaied and mis|gouerned by the slouthfull negligence of his prede|cessor Ferquhard, by means whereof he quicklie grew into great fauor of his subiects. In the meane time Cadwallo king of the Britains, and Penda king of those Englishmen which inhabited that part [...]ing Edwin [...] slaine. of England ancientlie called Mercia, ioining their powers togither against Edwin king of Nor|thumberland, depriued him both of life and king|dome. After this, passing through the whole coun|trie, and entring into the confines of Pictland, they tooke a great part of the same by force of arms from Brudeus king of the Picts, who in vaine had sued for aid vnto Donwald king of Scotland, for that his vntruth had beene notified more than inough in times past. But Donwald being certified of Ed|wins death, made means vnto Cadwallo king of the Britains by his ambassadours, that Eufred the son of Edelfred might be restored vnto his fathers kingdome, which Edwin had wrongfullie vsurped.

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