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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But to returne where I left touching Gathelus. Galitia n [...] sufficient to find the Scots. When he perceiued that his people multiplied in such wise, as the countrie which was appointed him by the last agréement, was not able to susteine them, he was loth to breake the peace which he had established with the Spaniards, by séeking to in|large the bounds of his dominion with breach of co|uenant: and therefore vnderstanding that there was The Scots séeke new seats. an Iland lieng north ouer against Spaine, wherein were but few inhabitors, he caused all such ships as he was able to make, to be brought togither into an hauen néere vnto Brigantia, and commanding a great armie of his owne people and subiects to be assembled, he appointed his two sonnes whome hée had by his wife Scota, the one named Hiberus, and the other Himecus, to conueie them ouer into that Iland, which afterwards they named Hibernia, after Hiberus, but now it is commonlie called Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 At their first arriuall there, they came into the ha|uen The Scots ariue in Ire|land. of Dundalke, where getting on land, they first incamped themselues néere the shore, and then sent foorth certeine of their folks to search if they could learne what people inhabited in the countrie, by whome at their returne, and by such as they had hap|pened vpon and brought with them, they vnderstood how there was no great number of inhabitants in that Ile, and that they which dwelled there were ve|rie simple, such I meane as liued onelie by milke Irishmen liue by milke and hearbes. and herbs, with other the like things as the earth by nature brought foorth of hir owne accord, without mans helpe or vse of anie tillage. Herevpon Hiber Irishmen are gentlie in|treated. with his brother Himecus, went not about with force, but by gentlenesse to win those people, min|ding to ioine them in friendship so with their Sco|tishmen, that both the people might be made as one. Neither was this hard to be doone, sithens the inha|bitants (perceiuing the Scotishmen not to go a|bout to harme them) came flocking in wholie about them, submitting themselues into their hands with gladnesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 WHen things were once set here in a stay, and Hiber. that orders were giuen how the land should be conuerted vnto tillage, and manured for the bet|ter bringing foorth of such things as serue for mans sustenance, Hiber (leauing his brother in charge Hiber retur|ned into Spaine. with the gouernance of all those which were appoin|ted to abide there in Ireland) with the most part of the ships and residue of the companie, sailed backe into Spaine, where finding his father Gathelus Hiber succée|ded his father Gathelus. dead, he succéeded in his place of gouernement, to the great reioising of all the people there.

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