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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 30 Gathelus with his companie being thus come to land, sought abroad in the countrie for victuals, and such other necessarie things as they wanted (for their long being on the seas had wasted all their The inhabi|tants resist Gathelus. purueiance:) whose arriuall being once knowne in the countrie, the people assembled togither, and fiercely incountring with the strangers, after sharpe and cruell fight, in the end the Spaniards were put to the woorst and chased out of the field. This victorie put Gathelus and his folks in hope of good successe to haue there a place for them to inhabit in, and so to end their long wandering in strange and vncer|teine places. And to the intent they might bring their purpose the more easilie to passe, they found means by way of communication to ioine in friend|ship A communi|cation. Gathelus buildeth the citie Brac|chara. with the Spaniards, and obteining of them a plot where they might build a place for to inhabit in; shortlie after they began the foundation of a citie néere to the banks of the riuer called of ancient time Mundus, and afterwards Bracchara.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 It chanced after this, that the Spaniards (percei|uing these strangers to increase further in puissance than, as they thought, stood well with their securitie) sought diuerse occasions to fall at debate with them, and to make warres vpon them: but when they vn|derstood that Gathelus was as readie to defend, as they were to inuade, they estsoones fell to a commu|nication, & persuaded with Gathelus, that it should A communi|cation. be best for him and his people, for the auoiding of va|riance to remooue vnto the northside of Spaine, li|eng vpon the coasts of the Cantabrian seas, now called Galitia (where he should find much void ground, by reason of the small number of inhabi|tants) adding that if they would so doo, they would aid them to the vttermost against all such as should attempt to disquiet their indeuours in anie maner Gathelus lest Portingale, and went into Galitia. He builded a citie called Brigantia, and now Compostella. of wise. This offer Gathelus gladlie accepted, and causing publike sacrifice to be celebrated in honor of the gods, he departed with all his people into Gali|tia, and there concluding a league with the inhabi|tants, builded a citie which he named Brigantia, but after it was named Nouium, and now Com|postella.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 HEre Gathelus being intituled by the name of a king, deuised and ordeined lawes for his peo|ple Gathelus. to liue by, that the citie might not onelie be fen|sed with strong walles, but also with good and hol|some He maketh lawes and or|dinances. statutes and ordinances, the chiefest fortificati|ons that may be for all cities and countries. And bi|cause he would not onelie haue his said people to liue vnder one law, but also to be knowne and cal|led by one name, he gaue commandement that they should be all called Scotishmen (as before is said) of his wife Scota. In continuance of time, this na|tion grew to a woonderfull multitude, so that the Spaniards doubting the woorst, determined to fore|sée remedie in time, and herevpon purposing vtter|lie The Spani|ards fight with the Scots in|fortunatlie. to destroie them, got them againe to armour, and with their whole puissance comming vpon the Sco|tishmen, gaue them a sore battell, though in the end they were put to flight, the victorie remaining with the Scotishmen, albeit not without great bloud|shed on either part, as the Scotish historie saieth. At length a necessarie peace was agréed vpon be|twixt both parties, the conditions whereof were these: that aswell Scotishmen as Spaniards should liue after their owne lawes, and neither of them to A peace con|cluded. inuade other.

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