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Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THe Scotish men, according to the maner of other nations, estéeming it a glorie to fetch their begining of great anci|encie, say that their originall descent cam frõ the Gréeks and Aegyptians: for there was (as the old Scotish historiographers haue left in wri|ting) a certeine noble man among the Gréeks, na|med Gathelus, the sonne of Cecrops, who builded the citie of Athens: or as some other would, he was Gathelus. the sonne of Argus Nealus, the fourth king of the Argiues. This Gathelus plaieng in his youth ma|nie Gathelus gi|uen to will and pleasure. wild and vnrulie parts in the countrie of Mace|donia and Achaia, was diuers times sharplie rebu|ked by his father and other of his friends: so that in fine disdaining their correction and wholsome admo|nitions, he was banished by his father: after which he got togither a number of strong and lustie yoong Gathelus [...] into [...]pt, Anno [...] 2416. men, such as had vsed the like trade of liuing, and with them fled ouer into Aegypt; and comming thither in the 33 yeare of Pharao Orus as then king of that countrie, was receiued of him in most [...]helus was intertei| [...] of Pha|rao. gladsome wise, for that his seruice (as was thought) might stand in great stead in those warres, which the Aegyptians held at that time with the Aethiopians that had inuaded the realme of Aegypt, euen vnto Memphis. This Gathelus, to be short, went forth Gathelus went against the enimies. Moses cap|teine generall vnder Pha|rao. Ios. lib. 2. cap. 7. Gathelus, his dooings ad|uanced. with his bands against the same Aethiopians, vnder Moses the capteine generall of the armie, chosen thereto by diuine oracle (as Iosephus writeth) which Moses obteined the victorie, and conquered Saba by force being the chiefest and principall citie which stood in the Ile Meroe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 For such tokens of valiancie and worthie prowesse as Gathelus shewed, both in this countrie, and in other places, he grew also into such estimation with Pharao, that he gaue him his daughter in mariage. But Moses was rather enuied than honored for his Moses doo|ings not a|lowed. dooing, because the Aegyptians doubted least the Is|raelites should increase to such a puissant multitude, that in the end they might vsurpe and challenge the gouernance of the whole realme, and bring it by re|belling into their owne hands: wherefore diuers in|formations were made to the king against him, so that when he once perceiued himselfe to be in dan|ger of the lawe, and looked for no mercie at their hands, he fled from thence out of the countrie, & gat Moses fled. him into the land of Madian. Unto Gathelus and The citie of Thebes was giuen vnto Gathelus. his people there was giuen a citie called Thebes [Aegyptiaca] béeing taken from the Israelites. ¶ Here you must vnderstand, that Pharaos daugh|ter which Gathelus thus maried, was called Scota, Scota daugh|ter to Pharao. of whome such as came of the posteritie of that na|tion were afterwards, and are at this present day called Scoti, that is to say Scotishmen, and the land where they inhabit Scotia, that is to say, Scotland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Gathelus thus being aduanced by such honorable The credit of this historie of Gathelus we leaue to the authors. Israel oppres|sed. mariage, liued all the daies of his father in law Pha|rao Orus, in great honor. But after his deceasse, and in the third generation, an other king named Pharao Chencres succeeded in his throne, who op|pressed the people of Israell then abiding in Aegypt, with more bondage than euer his father or grand|father had doone before him. Neither was there hope of anie redresse, till Moses returned by Gods ap|pointment Moses called out of Ma|dian into Ae|gypt. from amongst the Madianites (where he had remained in exile) into Aegypt, and there de|clared vnto this Pharao, Gods commandement, touching the deliuerance of his people.

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