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1.14. The description of an ancient Pict. The 14 Chapter.

The description of an ancient Pict. The 14 Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THe Pict (saith Herodian) hath generallie no vse in ap|parell, howbeit the nobler sort of them doo wrap their heads and wombs in hoops of iron, which they take for great bra|uerie, esteeming this kind of attire, in such as weare the same, to be a token of wealth and riches, and so great an ornament, as if they had worne gold or any cost|lie iewels. Beside this, and the shauing of their ne|ther lip, they painted ouer their bodies with the ima|ges of all kinds of beasts, so that he was the gaiest man that had his skin most disguised in this maner. Certes none of them regarded to weare anie appa|rell, bicause they estéemed it a great glorie to haue these paintings séene. In warres they were bold, and desirous to shed blood, contenting themselues (in stéed of other armor) with a short lance, and narrow target or buckler, their swords were tied to their naked sides with a thong, and as for iacke, shirt of male, or helmet, they made no regard of them, bi|cause they would trouble them in swimming, or o|therwise at a pinch, when they should be compelled to wade.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Dion writing generallie of the whole countrie, di|uideth it with Herodian into the Calidons & Meats, saieng that the said countrie is verie sauage, their cities void of walles, and fields without townes: they liue moréouer (saith he) by hunting and preie, and oftentimes with the fruit of their trées: and al|beit that they haue excéeding plentie of fish, yet they eat not of it. They liue naked in tents, and without shooes on their féet, their wines are common, and children generallie looked vnto: they haue morouer a populous regiment, and are verie readie to steale: they fight in wagons, and haue little light and swift horsses, which run also verie swiftlie, & stand at their féet with like stedfastnesse. In the nether end of their lances they haue hollow bullets of brasse, in each is a little péece or two of iron, which ratleth when they shake it, and maketh a strange noise where manie of them are togither. They haue also narrow daggers, but chéeflie they can susteine hunger and cold best of all men, and likewise sore labour: and if it happen them to hunger and haue no meat at hand, they will sit in the marishes vp to the chins by manie daies togither. In the woods they féed on roots or barkes of trees, and they haue a kind of meat among them, whereof if they take but so much as a beane, they nei|ther hunger nor thirst in a long time after. And thus much of the Meats (which were the néerest vs) and the Calidons that dwelled beyond the wall, and both in their prouince called Maxima Cesariensis, where|of let this suffice.

1.15. The number of bishops in Scotland. The xv Chapter.

The number of bishops in Scotland. The xv Chapter.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5
  • _THe arch|bishoprik of S. An|drewes
  • Glasco
  • Dunfalden
  • Dunblanen
  • Aberden
  • Brechen
  • Morauie
  • Ros
  • Whitherne
  • Cathnes
  • Argadie
  • Orkenie
  • Ymor one of the Iles which are exempt and perteine vnto the pope.
  • Vniuersities.

    • S. Andrews
    • Aberden
    • Glasco.
  • Dukedomes.

    • Rothsay
    • Albanie.
  • Earledomes.

    • Cathnes
    • Sotherland
    • Rosse
    • Morauie
    • Buchquhan
    • Garuiach
    • Garmoran
    • Mar
    • Mernis
    • Angus
    • Gowri
    • Fiffe
    • Marche
    • Athole
    • Stratherne
    • Menteth
    • Leuenor
    • Wigton
    • Duglasse
    • Carrike
    • Crawford
    • Annandale
    • Ourmonth
    • Huntley.
  • Viscounties.

    • Berwike ali|as north Ber|wike
    • Roxborow
    • Selkirke
    • Twedale
    • Dunfrise
    • Niddisdals
    • Wigton
    • Are
    • Lanarke
    • Dumbritten
    • Sterueling
    • Louthian
    • Clakmanan
    • Kimos
    • Fiffe
    • Perth
    • Angus
    • Mernis
    • Aberden
    • Bamph
    • Fores
    • Inuernes.
EEBO page image 275


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1.14. The deſcription of an auncient Pict. Chap. 14.

The deſcription of an auncient Pict. Chap. 14.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 THe Pict (ſaith Herodian) hath generally no vſe of apparell, howbeit the nobler ſorte of them do wrappe theyr heades and wombes in houpes of yron, which they take for great bra|uery, eſteeming this kinde of attyre in ſuche as weare the ſame, to be a token of wealth and ri|ches, and ſo great an ornament, as if they had worne Golde or any coſtly iewelles. Beſide this, and the ſhauing of theyr nether lippe, they paynted ouer their bodies with the images of al kindes of beaſtes, ſo that he was the gayeſt mã, that had his ſkinne moſt diſguiſed in this ma|ner. Certes none of them regarded to weare a|ny apparell, bycauſe they eſteemed it a greate glory to haue theſe paintings ſeene. In warres they were bolde, and deſirous to ſhedde bloud, contenting themſelues (in ſteede of other ar|mour) with a ſhorte launce, and narrow target, or buckler, theyr ſwordes were tied to their na|ked ſides with a thong, and as for Iacke, ſhirt of Mayle, or Helmet, they made no regarde of them, bycauſe they would trouble thẽ in ſwim|ming, or otherwiſe at a pinche, whẽ they ſhould be compelled to wade. Dion wryting general|ly of the whole countrey, diuideth it with Hero|dien into the Calidons, and Meates, ſaying that the ſayde country is very ſauage, their Cities voyde of walles, & fields, without townes: they liue moreouer (ſaith he) by hunting and pray, and often times with the fruite of their trees: & albeit that they haue exceeding plenty of fiſh, EEBO page image 22 yet they eate not of it. They liue naked in tents and without ſhoes on theyr feete, theyr wiues are common, and children generally looked vn|to: they haue moreouer a populous regiment, & are very ready to ſteale: they fight in wagons, & haue little light & ſwift horſes, whiche runne alſo very ſwiftly, and ſtande at their feete with like ſtedfaſtneſſe. In ye nether end of their laun|ces they haue hollow bullets of Braſſe, in eche is a litle peece or two of yron, whiche ratleth when they ſhake it, & maketh a ſtrange noyſe where many of them are togither. They haue alſo narrow daggers: but chiefly they can ſ [...]|ſteyne hunger and colde beſt of all men, & like|wiſe ſore labour: and if it happen them to hun|ger and haue no meate at hand, they wil ſitte in the marriſhes vp to the chinnes by many dayes togither. In the wooddes they feede on rootes or barkes of trees, and they haue a kinde of meate among them, whereof if they take but ſo muche as a beane, they neyther hunger nor thirſte in a long time after. And thus much of the meates (whiche were the neareſt vs) and the Caledons that dwelled beyond the wall, and both in their prouince called Maxima Ceſarienſis, wherof let this ſuffice.

1.15. The number of Biſhoppes in Scot|land. Chap. 15.

The number of Biſhoppes in Scot|land. Chap. 15.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • THe Archbiſhoprijc of S. Andrewes.
  • Glaſque.
  • Dunfalden.
  • Dunblanen.
  • Aberden.
  • Breche [...].
  • Mora [...]y.
  • Ros.
  • Whitherne.
  • Cathnes.
  • Argadie.
  • Orkeney.
  • Ymor one of the Iles whiche are exempt and pertayne vnto the Pope.

There are three Vniuerſities.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • SAint Andrewes.
  • Aberden.
  • Glaſquo.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • ROthſay.
  • Albany.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • CA [...]nes.
  • Sotherland.
  • Roſſe.
  • Morauy.
  • Buchquhan.
  • Garuiach.
  • Garmoran.
  • Mar.
  • Mernis.
  • Angus.
  • Gowri.
  • Fiffe.
  • Marche.
  • Athole.
  • Stratherne.
  • Menteth.
  • Leuenor.
  • Wigton.
  • Duglaſſe.
  • Carryke.
  • Crawford.
  • Annandale.
  • Durmonth.
  • Huntley.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • BErw [...]ic, alias North Berwi [...].
  • Roxborow.
  • Selkyrk.
  • Twedale.
  • Dunfriſe.
  • Niddiſdale.
  • Wigton.
  • A [...]e.
  • Lanarke.
  • Dumbritten.
  • Ste [...]uelin.
  • Lowthian.
  • Clakmanan.
  • Kymos.
  • Fiffe.
  • Perth.
  • Angus.
  • Marnis.
  • Aberden.
  • Bamph.
  • Fores.
  • Inuernes.
FINIS.EEBO page image 297
EEBO page image 1

THE HISTORIE of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 _THE Scottiſhmen, accor|ding to the maner of other nations, eſteeming it a glorie to fetche their beginning of great auncientie, ſay that their original diſcent came from the Greekes and Egyptians. For there was (as the Scottiſhe olde Hiſtoriographers haue left in writing) a certaine noble man a|mong the Greekes, named Gathelus, Gathelus. the ſonne of Cecrops, which builded the City of Athens: or as ſome other woulde, he was the ſonne of Argus Nealus, the fourth king of the Argiues. Gathelus gy|uen to wil and pleaſure. This Gathelus playing in his youth manye wilde and vnruly partes in the Countrie of Macedonia and Achaia, was dyuerſe tymes ſharpely rebuked by his father and other of hys friends: ſo that in [...]ne diſdeining their correcti|on and wholſome admonitions,

Gathelus went in to Egypt, Anno mundi. 2416.

Gathelus was enterteyned of Pharao.

Gathelus went agaynſt the enimies.

Moyſes Cap|taine general vnder Pharao. Lib. 2. Cap. 7. Gathelus his doings ad|uaunced.

Moiſes doings not alowed.

he was bani|ſhed by his father: after which he got togither a number of ſtrong and luſtie yong men, ſuch as had vſed the like trade of liuing, and togither with them fled ouer into Egypt: & comming thither in the xxxiij. yeare of Pharao Orus, as then king of that Countrey, was receyued of him in moſt glad|ſome wiſe, for that his ſeruice (as it was thought) might ſtande in great ſtead, in thoſe warres which the Egyptians helde the ſame time with the Ethiopians that had inuaded the realme of Egypt, e|uen vnto Memphis. This Gathelus, to bee ſhort, went forth with his bandes agaynſt the ſame Ethiopians, vnder Moſes the Captaine generall of the armie, choſen thereto by diuine Oracle (as Ioſephus wryteth) which Moſes obteyned the victorie, and conquered Saba by force, he the chiefeſt and principall Citie which ſtoode in the Iſle Meroe.