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THE SVPPLIE OF THIS Irish Chronicle, continued from the death of king Henrie the eight, 1546, vntill this present yeare 1586, in the 28 yeare of hir maiesties reigne, sir Iohn Perot residing deputie in Ireland.

_AS from the time of Giraldus Cambren|sis (the best deserued and exact writer of the conquest and state of Ireland in his time, few or none haue followed and continued any per|fect course of that historie vntill the death of king Henrie the eight, and the begin|ning of king Edward the sixt 1546; and therefore no certeine knowledge nor assurance can be yelded, nor set downe either of the quiet gouernement in time of peace, or of the troublesome state in time of warres and rebellions; but that which is collected either out of the records, which were verie slenderlie & disorderlie kept, or out of some priuat mens collections and pamphlets, remaining in some od and obscure places: euen so the like from that time vnto these presents hath happened and is fallen out, euerie gouernour neglecting, and verie few others for want of due ob|seruations willing, to commit vnto writing what was doone, and woorthie the memoriall; sauing the things so latelie doone are not altogither out of remembrance, and some yet liuing that can remember some things doone in their times. And yet that is so vncerteine, and euerie man so varieth one from the others reports, that no man can well therevpon set downe a perfect and so exact a course as the nature of an historie requireth, and as it ought to be doone. He therefore that vpon such vncerteinties shall intermedle EEBO page image 108 and vndertake the penning, much more the printing of such an vncerteine, confused, and intricate discourse, must looke and be assured to be subiect to manie cauils and reproches: which thing discouraged me the writer here|of to intermedle at all in this historie. Neuerthelesse, this worke re|quiring a supplie, and my selfe being earnestlie required to doo something herein, haue aduentured the matter, and by all the meanes I could, haue searched and collected to set downe in this short discourse and rhapsodie, what by writings or reports I could learne and find to be true, and worthie the memoriall: which albeit, it be not so full as the worke requireth, nor so sufficient as to the satisfaction of the reader, nor yet so answerable to the nature of an historie as is necessarie and requisit: yet let the good will of the writer be his discharge from reproch, and be an occasion to the learned to amend the thing thus in a good affection begun, and to reduce it to a more full measure in matter and truth: that this historie may haue his perfection, the reader satis|fied, and this writer acquited.

Iohn Hooker, aliâs Vowell.

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THE SVPPLIE OF THE Irish Chronicles extended to this present yeare of our Lord 1586, and the 28 of the reigne of queene Elisabeth.

_AFter the death of king Henrie Sir Antho|nie Sentleger reuoked. the eight, sir An|thonie Sentleger knight, was re|uoked; who deliue|red vp the sword at his departure vnto sir William Brabston knight; and he was lord iustice, vntill such time as sir Edward Bellingham was sent ouer to 1547 Sir Edward Bellingham made lord de|putie. be deputie. This man was seruant to king Ed|ward the sixt, and of his priuie chamber: a man verie well learned, graue and wise, and therewith stout & valiant, and did verie worthilie direct his gouern|ment. In his time there was a mint kept in the ca|stell A mint in Dublin. of Dublin, which being at his commandement, he was the better able to doo good seruice to the king his maiestie, and to the benefit of that realme. In the ciuill gouernment he was carefull to place lear|ned and wise magistrats, vnto whome he had a spe|ciall Sir Edward Bellinghams carefulnesse in gouernement. eie for the dooing of their offices; as he had the like care for good and expert capteins, to serue in the martiall affaires. And for the more spéedie seruice to be doone therein at all times needfull, he kept sun|drie stables of horsses: one at Leighlin, one at Lex, and some in one place and some in another, as he Sundrie sta|bles of horsses kept. thought most méet for seruice. And whatsoeuer he had to doo, or what seruice soeuer he meant to take in hand, he was so secret, and kept the same so priuie, as none should haue anie vnderstanding thereof, His secrecie in his seruice. before the verie instant of the seruice to be doone; and for the most part, whensoeuer he tooke anie iournie in hand, his owne men knew not whither, or to what place he would ride, or what he would doo. It happe|ned that vpon some occasion he sent for the earle of Desmond, who refused to come vnto him. Where|vpon calling vnto him his companie as he thought good, and without making them acquainted what he minded to doo, tooke horsse & rode to Leighlin bridge. Leighlin ab|be [...]e inclosed with a wall and made a fort. The abbeie there (being suppressed) he caused to be in|closed with a wall, and made there a fort. In that house he had a stable of twentie or thirtie horsses, and there he furnished himselfe and all his men with horsses and other furniture, and foorthwith rode in|to Mounster, vnto the house of the earle, being then Christmas; and being vnlooked and vnthought of, The earle of Desmond ta|ken in his house. he went in to the earle, whome he found sitting by the fire, and there tooke him, and caried him with him to Dublin.

This earle was verie rude both in gesture and The earle is rude without nurture. in apparell, hauing for want of good nurture as much good maners as his Kerns and his followers could teach him. The deputie hauing him at Dublin, did so instruct, schoole, and informe him, that he made a The earle in|structed in ci|uilitie. new man of him, and reduced him to a conformitie in maners, apparell, and behauiours apperteining to his estate and degree; as also to the knowledge of his dutie and obedience to his souereigne & prince; and made him to knéele vpon his knées sometimes an houre togither, before he knew his dutie. This though it were verie strange to the earle, who ha|uing not béene trained vp in anie ciuilitie, knew not what apperteined to his dutie and calling: nei|ther yet of what authoritie and maiestie the king his souereigne was; yet when he had well digested and considered of the matter, he thought himselfe most happie that euer he was acquainted with the said deputie, and did for euer after so much honor him, as that continuallie all his life time at euerie The earle praieth for [...] Edward Bel|lingham. dinner and supper, he would praie for the good si [...] Edward Bellingham: and at all callings he was so obedient and dutifull, as none more in that land.

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