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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of such power was Magoghigam in those daies, who as he wan and kept it by the sword, so now his Magoghi|gam his power. successors in that state liue but as meane capteins, yéelding their winnings to the stronger. This is the miserie of lawlesse people, resembling the rudenesse of the rude world, wherein euerie man was richer and poorer than other, as he was in might and vio|lence more or lesse inabled. Here began factions of the nobilitie in Ireland, fauouring diuerse sides that stroue for the crowne of England. For the duke of Yorke, in those ten yeares of his gouernement, ex|céedinglie wan the hearts of the noblemen and gen|tlemen of that land, of the which diuerse were slaine with him at Wakefield; as the contrarie part was the next yeare by his sonne Edward earle of March at Mortimers crosse in Wales. In which meane time the Irish grew hardie, & vsurped the English coun|tries in sufficientlie defended, as they had doone by like oportunitie in the latter end of Richard the se|cond. These two seasons set them so af [...]ote, that henseforward they could neuer be cast out from their forcible possessions, holding by plaine wrong all Ul|ster, and by certeine Irish tenures no small portions of Mounster and Connagh, least in Meth and Lein|ster, where the ciuill subiects of the English bloud did euer most preuaile.

14.10. Edward the fourth and Edward the fift.

Edward the fourth and Edward the fift.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THomas Fitzmorice earle Lieutenants and deputies in king Ed|ward the fourth his daies. of Kildare, lord iustice till the third yeare of Edward the fourth, after which time the duke of Clarence, brother to the king, had the office of lieutenant while he liued, & made his deputies by sundry turnes, Thomas earle of Desmond, Iohn Tiptost earle of Worcester the kings cousine, Thomas earle of Kildare, and Henrie lord Greie of Ru [...]hin. Great was the credit of the Giraldins euer when the house of Yorke prospered, and likewise the Butlers thri|ued The But|lers. vnder the bloud of the Lancasters: for which cause the earle of Desmond remained manie yeres deputie to George duke of Clarence his good bro|ther: but when he had spoken certeine disdainefull words against the late marriage of king Edward with the ladie Elizabeth Greie, the said ladie being now queene, caused his trade of life after the Irish maner, contrarie to sundrie old statutes inacted in that behalfe, to be sifted and examined by Iohn erle of Worcester his successor; so that he was atteinted The earle of worcester. 1467 of treason, condemned, and for the same beheaded at Droghedagh.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iames the father of this Thomas earle of Des|mond, Campion out of Sentleger in his collec|tions. being suffered and not controlled, during the gouernment of Richard duke of Yorke his godcept, and of Thomas earle of Kildare his kinsman, put vpon the kings subiects within the countries of Waterford, Corke, Kerrie, and Limerike, the I|rish Irish imposi|tions. impositions of quinio and liuerie, cartings, carriages, lodgings, cocherings, bonnaght, and such like, which customes are the verie bréeders, maintei|ners, and vpholders of all Irish enormities, wring|ing from the poore tenants euerlasting sesse, allow|ance of meat and monie, whereby their bodies and goods were brought in seruice and thraldome, so that the men of warre, horsses, and their Galloglasses lie still vpon the farmers, eat them out, begger the coun|trie, foster a sort of idle vagabonds, readie to rebell if their lord command them, euer nuzled in stealth and robberies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 These euill presidents giuen by the father, the son did exercise, being lord deputie, to whome the refor|mation of that disorder speciallie belonged. Not|withstanding the same fault being winked at in o|ther, and with such rigor auenged in him, was ma|nifestlie taken for a quarrell sought and procured. Two yeares after, the said earle of Worcester 146 [...] EEBO page image 79 lost his head, whilest Henrie the sixt taken out of the tower was set vp againe, and king Edward procla|med vsurper, and then was Kildare inlarged, whom likewise atteinted, they thought also to haue rid, and shortlie both the earles of Kildare & Desmond were Restitution to bloud. 1470 Flatsburie. restored to their bloud by parlement. Sir Rowland Eustace, sometime treasuror and lord chancellor, was lastlie also lord deputie of Ireland. He founded saint Francis abbeie beside Kilcollen bridge. King Edward a yeare before his death honored his yoong|er sonne (Richard duke of Yorke) with the title of lieutenant ouer this land, which he inioied till his vn|naturall vncle bereft both him and his brother king Edward the fift of their naturall liues.

14.11. Richard the third.

Richard the third.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _WHen this monster of na|ture & cruell tyrant Richard the third had killed his two yoong nephues, and taken vp|on him the crowne & gouerne|ment of England, he prefer|red his owne sonne Edward to the dignitie of lord lieute|nant of Ireland, whose deputie was Girald earle of Kildare that bare that office all the reigne of king Richard, and a while in Henrie the seuenth his daies.

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