Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the yeare one thousand two hundred fortie and 1241 one, Walter Lacie lord of Meth departed this life in England: he left two daughters behind him that were his heires, Margaret married to the lord Uer|don, The lord Uerdon. Geffreie Genuill. and Matild the wife of Geffrie Genuill. King Henrie in the six & thirtith yeare of his reigne, gaue to Edward his eldest sonne, Gascoigne, Ireland, 1252 and the countie of Chester. In the yeare following, Hugh Lacie earle of Ulster departed this life, and 1253 was buried at Cragfergus, in the church of the friers minors, leauing a daughter behind him, that was his heire, whome Walter de Burgh or Bourke married, and in right of hir was created earle of Ul|ster, as after shall appeare. Morice Fitzgirald lord iustice of Ireland, being requested by this prince to come and assist him with a power of men against the Welsh rebels, left a sufficient garrison of men in the castell of Scligath, which he had latelie builded, and then came ouer with Phelin Ochouher, and a lu|stie The castell of Scligath. band of souldiers: & méeting the prince at Chep|stow, behaued themselues so valiantlie, that retur|ning with victorie, they greatlie increased the fauor of the king and prince towards them; and vpon their returne into Ireland, they ioined with Cormacke Mac Dermot Mac Rorie, and made a notable iour|nie against Odonill the Irish enimie, that when La|cie was once dead, inuaded & sore a [...]ied the kings subiects of Ulster. Odonill being vanquished, the Odonill. lord iustice forced pledges and tribute of Oneale to keepe the kings peace, and diuerse other exploits praise-worthie d [...] he, during the time of his gouern|ment, as Flatsbu [...]e hath gathered in his notes for the lord Girald Fitzgirald earle of Kildare, in the yea [...] one thousand fiue hundred and [...]entéene. Af|ter Morice Fitzgirald succeeded in office of lord iu|stiee, Iohn Fitzge [...]rie knight, and after him Ala [...] Iohn Fitz|geffrie lord iustice. Alaine de la [...]ouch lord iustice. Stephan de long Espée. de la Zouch, [...] the earle of Surrie Fitzwarren fiue. And after de la Zouch, in the yeare one thousand two hundred fiftie and eight, being the two and for|tith of Henrie the third his reigne, was Stephan de long Esp [...]ent to supplie that [...], who [...]ue O|nea [...] with three hundred nine & two of his men in the stréets of Downe, and shortlie after departed this William Dene lord iustice. Gréene castell destroied. Mac Careie. life; then William Dene was made lord iustice, and Gréene castell was destroied. Also Mac Careie plaid the diuell in Desmond.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and 1261 one, sir William Dene lord iustice of Ireland de|ceased, and sir Richard Rochell (or Capell as some Sir Richard Capell lord iustice. copies haue) was sent to be lord iustice after him, who greatlie enuied the familie of the Girald [...]s, du|ring his gouernement the lord Iohn Fitz [...] and the lord Morice his son were slaine. In the yeare Lord Iohn Fitzthomas slaine. one thousand two hundred sixtie and foure, Walter de Burgh was made earle of [...]er, and [...] Fitzmorice tooke the lord [...]ice of Ireland togither The lord iu|stice taken. with Theoba [...] Butler, Miles Cogan, and diuerse o|ther great lords at Tristilder [...]t, on s [...]t [...] daie. And so was Ireland full of warres, betwixt the Burghs and Giraldins. In the yeare one thousand 1266 two hundred sixtie and six, there chanced an earth|quake in Ireland. In the yeere following, king Hen|rie 1267 tooke vp the variance that was in Ireland be|twixt the parties, and discharging Dene, appointed Dauid Barrie lord iustice in his place, who tamed Dauid Bar|rie lord iu|stice. the insolent dealings of Morice Fitzmorice, cousine germane to Fitzgirald.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and eight, Conhur Obren was slaine by Dermot Mac 1268 Monerd, and Morice Fitzgirald earle of Desmond was drowned in the sea, betwixt Wales & Ireland. And Robert Uffort was sent ouer to remaine lord Robert Uf|fort. iustice of Ireland, and Barrie was discharged, who continued till the yeare one thousand two hundred sixtie and nine, and then was Richard de Excester Richard de Excester. made lord iustice. And in the yeare following, was the lord Iames Audleie made lord iustice. Richard 1270 Uerdon, and Iohn Uerdon were slaine, and Fulke 1271 archbishop of Dublin deceased. Also the castels of Aldlecke, Roscoman, & Scheligagh, were destroied. The same yeare was a great dearth and mortalitie in Ireland. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie & two, the lord Iames Audleie was slaine by a fall from his horsse in Thomond, and then was The lord Audleie. Morice Fitzmorice made lord iustice of Ireland, and the castell of Randon was destroied. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seauentie and two, king Randon. The decease of king Hen|rie the third. 1272 Walter Gen|uill. Henrie the third departed this life, and the lord Wal|ter Genuill latelie returned home from his iour|nie into the holie land, was sent into Ireland, and made lord iustice there. In the yeare one thousand two hundred seuentie and fiue, the castell of Rosco|man 1275 was e [...]soones repared and fortified.