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10.6. The description of Dermon Mac Mo|rogh, and of the message of Rothorike O Connor sent vnto him for peace. Cap. 6.

The description of Dermon Mac Mo|rogh, and of the message of Rothorike O Connor sent vnto him for peace. Cap. 6.

DErmon Mac Morogh was a tall man of stature, and of a large and great bodie, a valiant and a bold warrior in his nation: and by reason of his continuall ha|lowing and crieng his voice was hoarse: he rather chose and desired to be feared than to be loued: a great oppressor of his nobilitie, but a great aduancer of the p [...]re and weake. To his owne people he was rough and greeuous, and hatefull vnto strangers; he would be against all men, and all men against him. Rothorike minding to attempt anie waie what soe|uer, rather than to aduenture and wage the battell, sendeth first his messengers with great presents vn|to Fitzstephans, to persuade and intreat him: that for so much as he made no chalenge nor title to the land, that he would quietlie, and in peace returne home againe into his owne countrie, but it auailed not. Then they went vnto Mac Morogh himselfe, & persuaded him to take part with Rothorike, and to ioine both their forces and armies in one, and then with might and maine to giue the onset vpon the strangers, and so vtterlie to destroie them. And in this dooing he should haue Rothorike to his good freend, and all Leinster in rest and quietnesse: manie reasons also they alledged concerning their countrie and nation; but all was to no purpose.

10.7. The speeches and oration which Rothorike O Connor made vnto his soldiors. Chap. 7.

The speeches and oration which Rothorike O Connor made vnto his soldiors. Chap. 7.

ROthorike O Connor, seeing that by those his deuises and practises he could doo no good at all, and thinking that for somuch as he could not auaile with words, he with force and armes, as his last remedie and helpe, pre|pareth his armor, and maketh for the battell: and as|sembling his people togither, maketh vnto them these speeches. Ye right noble and valiant defendors of your countrie and libertie, let vs consider with what people, and for what causes we are now to fight and wage the battell. That enimie of his owne countrie, that tyrant ouer his owne people, and an open enimie vnto all men, and who sometimes was an exiled man: sée how he being inuironed with the force of strangers, is now returned, & mindeth the vtter destruction of vs all, and of this his nation. He enuieng the safetie of his countrie and countrimen, hath procured and brought in a strange nation vpon vs, that by the helpe of a hatefull people he might sa|tisfie and more effectuallie accomplish his malice, which otherwise by no means be could haue brought to passe. He then being an enimie, hath brought in that enimie which hath béene euer hatefull both vnto him, and vnto vs; and who are most gréedie to haue the sauereigntie & dominion ouer vs all, protesting and openlie affirming, that by a certeine fatall desti|nie they are to be rulers ouer this land: yea, & so far hath he shed out his venome, and almost euerie man is so inuenomed therewith, that now no fauor nor mercie is so be shewed. O cruell beast, yea more cru|ell than euer was beast! f [...] to satisfie his insatiable malice, and to be auenged with the bloudsheding of his owne people, be spareth neither himselfe, nor his countrie, [...]. This is he who is a most cruell ty|rant ouer his owne people: this is he who with the force and helpe of strangers useth all force and cru|eltie against all men. He deserueth well therefore to be hated of all, which séeketh to be an enimie vnto all. Looke therefore (yee worthie citizens) well to your selues; I saie looke and consider well how by these meanes, I meane by ciuill discord, all realmes & nations haue for the most part béene ouer throwen & vanquished. (1) Iulius Cesar minding to inuade Britaine had the repulse twise, & was driuen out by the Britons. But when Androgeus fell at variance with the king, he then to be reuenged, sent againe for Iulius, who thervpon returned and conquered the land. (2) The same Iulius also conquerd all the west parts of the world, but when he wa [...]ed & became am|bitious, & would be a sole monarch, & haue the whole gouernement in himselfe, then discord was raised, & debate was rife, & by that me [...]es all Italie was fil|led with mur [...]hers and slaughters. (3) The Britons being at discord [...] their [...] [...]cured Eurmun|dus, who then was a te [...]ror to all the ocean I [...]es, that he with the Satons should pursue and make wars vpon their king, who so did [...] [...]ut in the end to their owne confusion and destr [...]on. Likewise not long after (4) [...] us the French king, being an e|nimie to his owne people, and at discord with them, he procured the said [...] to and and helpe him to subdue his people, who so did, but thereof to had but bad succe, Wherfore let vs with [...]ne mind like to these Frenchmen stand [...]outlie to the defense of our countrie, and couragi [...] giue the onset vpon our enimies. And whiles these strangers be but few in number, let vs lustilie [...]ue out vpon them: for [...] while [...] [...] in sparkles is s [...]ne couered, but EEBO page image 9 when it is in great flames, it is the harder to be quenched. It is good therefore to méet with things at the beginning, and to preuent sicknesse at the first growing: for diseases by long continuance hauing taken déepe root, are hardlie to be cured. We there|fore, who are to defend our countrie and libertie, and to leaue to our posteritie an immortall fame: let vs valiantlie, and with a good courage aduenture and giue the onset, that the ouerthrow of a few may be a terror vnto manie; and that by this example all other forren nations may be afraid to aduenture the like attempt.

(1) Iulius Cesar hauing receiued two repulses, retired & tooke shipping, being in an vtter despaire & not minding to returne anie more. Whervpon Cas|sibelan then king of the land called & assembled all his nobles to London, where for ioie he kept a great and a solemne feast, and at the same were vsed all such games and pastimes, as in those daies were most accustomed. And at a wrestling game then it chanced two yoong gentlemen, the one being nephue to the king, and the other cousine to the erle of Lon|don (Kent) to fall at variance, & in the end the kings nephue was slaine. The king much grieued therwith sent for the earle, whose name was Androgeus: and bicause he would not come vnto him he made wars vpon him. The earle considering in what distresse he was, and how farre vnable to incounter the power and withstand the displeasure of the king, sendeth his messenger with his letters vnto Iulius Cesar, and besought him most earnestlie to returne with his armie, and he would aid and helpe him against the king with all the power he had. Iulius Cesar glad of these tidings returneth with all spéed, and in the end hath the victorie: and thus by meanes of debate and diuision the relme, which otherwise was thought to be impregnable, was subuerted and made tribu|tarie.

(2) Iulius Cesar hauing happie and fortunate successe in all his affaires, grew into such a liking of himselfe, that he would needs be the sole monarch and emperor ouer the whole world, taking foule euill that according to the ancient gouernement of the Romans anie one should be ioined with him: and ambitiouslie séeking the same, he became dreadfull to the people, lothsome to his friends, and in the dis|pleasure of the senat: who maligning at his aspiring and mistrusting the sequele thereof, conspired his death, and in the end he comming into the senat house, and mistrusting nothing, was murthered and slaine.

(3) At this time Careticus was king and ruled ouer Britaine, now named England, who was so vitious a man in all respects, that he became hate|full both to God and man: and his subiects not abi|ding his tyrannie, nor brooking his wickednesse, fell at diuision with him. Wherevpon Gurmundus then king of Ireland was procured (some saie by the Britons and some saie by the Saxons) who being en|tered into the land, and séeking by all the meanes they could to be the sole lords of the land, to inuade the land, which he did, and by the helpe of the Saxons droue the king out of his realme into Wales. And the Saxons hauing thus their wils droue also all the Britons out, who from thensefoorth hauing lost the land of Britaine, did inhabit themselues in Wales, Cornewall, and elsewhere, where they might haue re|fuge and succour. And thus though they were reuen|ged of their king, yet they themselues in the end felt the smart thereof: for they were all destroied or bani|shed: such are the fruits of dissention and debate.

(4) This Isembertus was not king of France, but as (Gaufred saith) was nephue to the king: and the land being then in great troubles, this Isembert made title vnto it, and seeking by all the meanes and waies he could how to compasse the same, procured Gurmundus to helpe and aid him, promising him great rewards. Wherevpon Gurmundus passed o|uer into France, where he had but an euill successe: for there was he slaine, Isembert ouerthrowne and the French nation preuailed. And herevpon Rotho|rike taketh an occasion to incourage his people to stand to their tackle, and valiantlie to withstand Mac Morogh, who as Isembert had procured in Gur|mundus; so had he flocked in Englishmen to ouer|run his countrie.

10.8. The oration and speeches of Mac Mo|rogh to his souldiors and people. Cap. 8.

The oration and speeches of Mac Mo|rogh to his souldiors and people. Cap. 8.

MAc Morogh beheld his men, & perceiuing them to be somewhat dismaied and out of heart, framed his speech to recomfort them, and thus saith vnto them. Ye men of Lein|ster, truth and kindred in all aduentures hath hither|to ioined vs in one fellowship: wherefore let vs now plucke vp our hearts and like men stand to our de|fense. For why, that wicked and ambitious man Ro|thorike, the author of all wickednesse & mischiefe, who desirous to haue the sole souereignetie and dominion dooth now determine (which God forbid) either to driue vs cleane out of our countrie, or vtterlie to de|stroie vs: and marke you now how he listeth vp his head and looketh alost. He is so proud and glorieth so much in his great multitude, that by ambition and pride he measureth & valueth his force and strength: but yet (for all that) manie times a small number being valiant and well appointed are better and haue preuailed against great troops, being but sluggards and vnarmed. If he make chalenge and pretend title to Leinster, bicause the same sometimes hath beene tributarie to some one king of Conagh, then by the same reason (1) we also maie demand and chalenge all Conagh: for both thereof and of all Ireland our ancestors haue béene the sole gouernors & monarchs. But to the purpose and to speake plainelie, he séeketh not to rule and to reigne as a monarch, but to vsurpe and destroie as a tyrant, to driue vs out of our coun|trie, to succéed into euerie mans right & inheritance; and so alone to rule the rost, and to be master ouer all.

Manie there are which doo brag of their great mul|titudes, and put their trust therein: but let them be well assured that we Leinster men though we be but few in number; yet we neuer were nor yet are af|fraid to incounter euen with the best & proudest. For why, victorie is not gotten, neither dooth it stand al|waies in the great multitude of people, but in vertue and valiantnesse, in strength and courage. We on our sides against pride, haue humilitie: against wrongs, equitie: against arrogancie, modestie: and against intemperance, discretion & moderation: and these vertues are to fight for vs. Men doo not alwaie atteine vnto victorie by great troops and multitudes of people, but by vertues. The lawes of all nations doo grant and allow to resist and withstand force and iniurie with force and strength: it is a fauourable cause to fight for our countrie, and to defend our pa|trimonie. And forsomuch as they contend for the gaine, but we to eschew the losse; let vs be of a good courage: we stand vpon a good ground, and our seat is naturallie verie strong of it selfe, as also by our industrie made more strong: but by reason of the streictnesse thereof, the greater the companie is ther|in, the more comberous and troublesome it will be: EEBO page image 10 and yet to win the victorie, a small companie being valiant, couragious, and of a good agreement shall serue and be sufficient.

(1) There be (as is said) fiue portions of Ireland, and euerie of them (except Meth which was reserued to the monarch for the time being for his diet) had their particular princes, & none of these did hold anie one of the other: but of some one of them cho [...]se was made by the whole estates of the land to be the mo|arch; and he for the time being did take and receiue homage and [...]altie of all the others, not in respect that he was a particular prince, but bicause he was the monarch. And this Mac Morogh allegeth for him selfe, denieng that he held anie of his lands of the king of Connagh otherwise than in respect that he was the monarch.

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